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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Exclamation 22 Weeks Pregnant and Emetophobia has really flared up. Can't leave the house! Help!

    Hi Everyone!

    I am new to the forum. I've had emetophobia ever since kindergarten when a kid in my class vomited everywhere during a play. It freaked me out like no other. Think it was the first time I saw someone v. I remember myself as a kid praying I wouldn't vomit every night I went to bed. I was always scared of the stomach bug and eating chicken. Things got better as I got older though. I've been able to eat normally, work around sick people, and I even drove my sick fiancé to the doctor 45 mins away...he vomited 3 times in the car and I was ok. I didn't enjoy it don't get me wrong lol but I didn't jump out of the car either. Anyways... here I am now 22 weeks pregnant and I can't even leave my house cause of this stupid phobia. I managed to get through this pregnancy thus far not vomiting only having bad nausea here and there. I vomited only once actually but I forced myself cause my stomach felt gross. Idk how I did it but it actually wasn't bad. It really isn't the vomiting itself I am scared of. I don't like being out of control of the situation and not know when its going to happen. Anyways, I am so scared to leave my house cause I am afraid I will vomit in public or in my car while I am driving. I've had a few episodes where either the car was making me sick or the anxiety was making me sick and almost felt like I had to pull over to vomit. I never did. But going through this makes me want to just never leave the house anymore. I always feel better once I get home though so I feel like its just really bad anxiety. My doctor put me on Buspar 30 mg a day. It helps a little bit but I am still consumed with excessive worry about what if i start getting nausea and I actually vomit. The funny thing is I have yet to do so in public, in the car, or even at home period this whole pregnancy. Pregnancy really has made all this so bad for me. Anyone have any tips on how I can fix this or at least get to where I can leave the house. I am so mad that the anxiety is now causing me to be really nauseated when I leave my house!! I have never had this problem before till I became pregnant. Do you guys think this will end once I am not pregnant anymore? I do find myself waking up nauseated sometimes so I know some of the pregnancy is why I am nauseous. Anyways thanks for reading and sorry so long. Hugs to all who suffer from this crippling phobia. It really is disgusting!!

  2. #2

    Default Re: 22 Weeks Pregnant and Emetophobia has really flared up. Can't leave the house! He

    I'm sorry this has to be the hardest thing for you atm but keep remembering it will eventually pass, also you're technically not sick, its just your mind that's confused cos of all the chemicals..

    Is there a reason you need to leave the house? That sounds crazy of me but if you're allowed to stay in most of the time, why don't you plan around what time you usually feel n*... does it kick off before you eat? Or after? I heard not eating is he worst during MS so that could well be your problem....

    Are you using anti-emetics? Peppermint gum will ease it quite a fair bit!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Default Re: 22 Weeks Pregnant and Emetophobia has really flared up. Can't leave the house! He

    yeah i am using zofran and promethazine. Even with those I don't want to leave the house. It is awful. I feel like I am never going to get better and be able to go live life like I once did. I miss being out there. I am now basically a prisoner in my own home. It is pathetic. I hate my life I don't even know where to begin when it comes to getting help with this because I can't really leave my home anymore. I need to go to doctor appts and etc for the baby. I feel like such a bad mother

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Default Re: 22 Weeks Pregnant and Emetophobia has really flared up. Can't leave the house! He

    You aren't a bad mother. I am so sorry that it is consuming you like this. I would maybe discuss this with your doctor at your next appointment and see if there is something that they can do to help. I am thinking about talking to my dr about it when I go see her in July, and I am also thinking about getting the thrive workbook and see if that will help. This is truly a terrible thing that we deal with.



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