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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    United States

    Default Hope and pregnancy

    I have had emetophobia since I was 5. It has plagued my life for over 27 years. I have spent thousands of dollars on every kind of therapy I could find. Nothing cured me. In my darkest hours, the only thing i had was my faith In God. I thought I would live my life alone, cursed by my fear. I even thought about suicide. I always wanted to be a mother, but how could I get through a pregnancy? Then a miracle happened and i found a man that loved me, emetophobic and all. After 6 years of marriage I was ready to take the step of faith and try to get pregnant. When I found out I was pregnant I had the worst attack of my life, but I got through it. The first trimester was very anxious for me, but I got through that too. I got through every minute of anxiety and fear and I'm so happy I chanced it, because I have the most beautiful baby girl in the world. I never thought I could do it, and I wouldn't have if I let the fear hold me back. So, if you are reading this, I want to tell you, we are stronger than we give ourselves credit. I didn't get sick once during the pregnancy. I was able to control my anxiety really well. Sometimes the things that seem the scariest have the greatest reward. My heart is overflowing with happiness because I faced the fear head on. And I know you can too. Here are a few things that helped me. Number 1: God. He is with you always, even at your loneliest hour. With him, all things are possible. Number 2: I learned to live for this moment, right now. With anxiety, we tend to live in the future or in the past, but looking ahead can only lead to anxiety, so live for the now. When you start getting anxious take a look at why you are getting anxious. Are you thinking about what's going to happen? Stop living in the future and live for the now. Number 3: getting a dog really helped. It gave me something to concentrate on which brings me to my last point. Keep busy. Time is not our friend. Even something as stupid as playing candy crush has really helped calm me down when I am anxious. ..haha maybe that's why I'm constantly waiting for them to add new levels. What I hope you take from this is never give up hope. You can make your life what you want it to be. Don't give up because of fear, because you might miss out on the best thing in your life.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    United States

    Default Re: Hope and pregnancy

    Good to hear your story and glad that things are going better for you. Thanks for sharing!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: Hope and pregnancy

    The keeping busy part is key. I feel like there are a lot of people on here with too much time on their hands so they dwell on their fear and on every single stomach grumble and gurgle. While I am by no means cured, I have a job that keeps me so busy that I dint have time to focus on the noises my stomach is making. It really helps to focus on other things. Good advice.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Default Re: Hope and pregnancy

    What a great post. Thank you for sharing the inspiration and encouragement I know many people will find comfort in reading g your story. Whether they are believers in God or not. Very happy for your progress and congrats on having a wonderful little princess

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Default Re: Hope and pregnancy

    thank you for sharing!! I have emet for 23 years. I was so scared to get pregnant as well. Pregnancy was the toughest thing I faced, but I got thru it. And it was worth it.My daughter is now 16 months an brings joy to my life. my next stress is to handle when my daughter is sick. how have you handle it? do you mind if I message you to get tips?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Hope and pregnancy

    Really nice to hear this!!! I'm at the point where I feel n* that much, I might aswell quit worrying about morning sickness as it seems to be there during 50% of my time haha.

    Nah seriously, this is encouraging. Thanks so much!



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