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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Default IT Will Be Okay!

    Hello everyone, I am new to this site. I wanted to introduce myself and let you know that I have been afraid of Throwing up for as long as I can remember. It stemmed from some childhood trauma I am sure of it. As far as I can remember, I hadn't been sick since I had mono back in 2003... I have only been sick to my stomach a handfull of times. I do have constant nausea off and on due to my anxiety. I have also never have had the stomach virus ( something i would tell people in pride) until two days ago.... I was feeling just fine, ate dinner, watched the LAkers game, hung out with the family... I went to bed and had an overall anxiety/icky feeling. I also had bad D* but chalked it up to some cheesecake I had after dinner. I was having uneasy thoughts and funny feelings in my tummy and decided I better use the restroom one last time, this time it was going to happen... I felt like I was going to be sick. I took some deep breaths and went outside trying to stave it off but no, it could not be stopped. I threw up twice in the yard. And you know what I did? i sat on the curb and i laughed at myself. I pat myself on the back and congratulated myself. I actually felt better. The worst part about it was the fact that I was probably going to have to miss my first day of work the next day. ITS NOT THAT BAD. and I think it gets easier to deal with with age... It was over and done with in a matter of seconds. And I felt relieved. I had the stomach flu... i had heard horror stories of throwing up over and over and over with this virus, but I had only done it once and it was over. I think that we are better at controlling ourselves and can deal with it a little bit better than others. We can cope with the nausea. Now I lay here, a day later, warm with my dog on my legs in bed, happy that i Could let that go. I am happy that I was able to let myself feel better! I am happy that i Was able to feel that again and know that it isn't the end of the world. Sure, I may not be cured, but i am a step closer to being truly happy knowing that its not the end of the world and things could be MUCH much worse. All I am left with is some achey joints, stomach and a headache, but nothing a little saltines and gatorade won't cure. Please know that if it ever does happen to you again, you will get through it, and it will be quick and painless and you should pat yourself on the back after it happens because you lived!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Re: IT Will Be Okay!

    Thank you for sharing! It's great for anyone who suffers with emetophobia to hear someone with a fresh memory of being sick telling you it's not so bad! I think it's especially helpful to hear it from someone who can relate to the fear!

    I hope you will hold onto this feeling you have right now and don't let yourself forget it. Don't let your brain make it into something scary again because you KNOW it's not scary!

    Very happy for you! Hope you get back to feeling 100% soon!

  3. #3

    Default Re: IT Will Be Okay!

    Sounds like you got through it swiftly and able!!! I like to think my next experience will be like that but the fact that I compare sv* to death makes me uneasy....
    Are you sure you had the sv*??

    Thanks for encouragement!! Sounds like you had the exact same consistent fear as we all have and that it was nothing like the horrific anxiety n* we get ALOT....
    Well done for seeing it in a comical way!
    I felt like gagging a few days ago and thought to myself
    'You know what body....go for it. I'm done with being worried' and weirdly didn't but was close....there is a deliverance from this an it sounds like you're living proof!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: IT Will Be Okay!

    I hope you keep this post and remember it. Thank you for posting. This actually helps so much to read it. Hope you are feeling better.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Default Re: IT Will Be Okay!

    Thanks for sharing. Although I doubt I would be as calm about it as you were, I hope it will be the same for me in the future. congrats

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Default Re: IT Will Be Okay!

    Glad it was brief! The funny thing is (and I know others here have said the same things) is that I have been sick in the past and the actual deed never was that bad! The worst part is the fear of unknown, the sense of no control.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Default Re: IT Will Be Okay!

    Thank you for this post and for sharing. I always feel so much better about my life when I see posts like this reminding me that it's all OkAY! We will be ok no matter what. Just love the positivity and the message you are sending to everyone out there . Hope you feel much better soon.



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