Please help me.. I am freaking out so badly. I had a doctors appointment today.. When I got there I used my sleeve to open the door and went inside. I was only in there for about 20 seconds- there was an old lady sat about 2 meters away from me with a bowl looking VERY ill. As soon as I saw her I left. It didn't smell of sick in there and could not tell if there was already sick in her bowl.. But when I walked back past the doctors from outside I think she was actually throwing up then.
I did not touch anything in the doctors, used my sleeve to open the door and when I got home I took all my clothes off and put them on a boil wash.. Used tissue paper to turn my taps on and scrubbed my hands so badly. Then showered in as hotter water as I could stand. Blew my nose and washed my mouth with listerene.
What are the chances I'll get sick?!
Please, someone help me :'( - I've had 4 rounds of CBT and tried EVERYTHING (including hypnotherapy) and can not get over this. I'm 28 and have had emet for 18 years.
I won't be able to eat anything for the next 3 days now, anxiously awaiting to get ill.
Please someone tell me the truth, how likely is it I'll get ill?