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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United Kingdom



    Ok so I dreamed that I was at my grandmas house (where I last v*ed !!!) with all my family and everyone had this bug and they were v*ing everywhere, but I hid so I couldn't see or hear anything. Then suddenly I felt really n* and I felt stuff come into my mouth so I ran to the toilet to v*, and it was ok, it was just like spitting something out of my mouth, then my sister came into the toilet and she v*ed too and I didn't really care. If only eh?

    ***GRAPHIC OVER***

    So what do you think it means?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    I think it means you're an emet. Hehe.

    I know that isn't very helpful but that's probably the reason. The
    setting was probably because, as you said yourself, that was the last
    place you v*ed so you associate that location with v*ing.

    Obviously the events are just a typical emet dream. Being in a place
    where everyone is throwing up everywhere is our absolute worst

    The reason you didn't care that you v*ed and that you witnessed you
    sister v*ing without caring was because it wasn't real. You weren't really
    throwing up so of course you didn't care as much as you would if you
    actually did. It's like dreaming that you fall of a building. It feels
    real and you snap awake unpleasantly, but it still doesn't hurt as much
    as if you really fell of a building.

    Edited by: chicajojobe



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