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Thread: Need noro info

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    City of Bath, England.

    Default Need noro info

    So I'm one of the rare emetophobes who doesn't know all the facts about noro (just because I'm too scared to know it all!) but when it comes to winter I kick myself everytime because I get myself into such a panic.

    I had a KFC last night with my partner, I only had fries and a corn on the cob. My mind began to wonder soon after and I panicked about getting noro through food?! Now my partner is saying that it's not possible because they don't touch the food with their bare hands after it's cooked, and anything before that would've been killed by the heat of the ovens etc.

    I need to know the actual facts and if it would ever be possible to catch noro from eating. I know the obvious bits like if someone was v* in there with noro and it contaminated food but what about even the breath of another person? I don't know, I'm just sat here overthinking these stomach cramps and body aches and assuming the worst. I haven't been outside in public for days so there's no way I've caught it from being near someone.

    I don't even know why I got takeaway, this always happens!!! screw winter and screw Emetophobia!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: Need noro info

    your bf is right. Noro is killed by high temperatures(above 140 F) and in fast food restaurants, the employees use gloves and have protocol to ensure the food is safe. You can catch noro from eating something prepared by a sick person, but this is normally with things like salads or sandwiches where the person preparing it touches the item a lot and does not cook that dish. I imagine french fries are one of the safer food you could get when eating out- super hot oil, never handled after being cooked, served hot.

    I bet the majority of your symptoms now are psychosomatic- your anxiety is taking a small pang of discomfort and turning it into something very scary. Try distracting yourself. Go outside and the cool air might help or put a cold washcloth on the back of your neck.
    here is a write up I share when someone needs info. you said you know the basics so this might help you fill in the dots

    I only trust the CDC(center for disease control) for truly accurate information- they are basically accepted as the global gold standard for infectious disease research. Norovirus reproduces in the intestines and agitates the lining causing v* and d*. The virus is found in both substances and this is why people are thought to be contagious only after the onset of symptoms. The method of transmission is particle ingestion meaning that the virus has to get into your mouth and be swallowed for you to become ill. Noro(the sv*) is so contagious because it takes a low number of viruses to cause an infection and the fact that viruses live on surfaces for about 2 weeks. People also continue to be contagious for a few days after their last symptom so they sometimes go out and unknowingly spread the virus. Example of transmission: someone is sick, they have d* and don't wash their hands afterwards. They then touch the the bathroom door knob, a hand rail, the elevator button etc..... someone else comes along and touches one of those surfaces then eats a bag of chips without washing their hands... They may catch the virus. Another way for the virus to spread is though food preparation by a contiguous person. According to research, a sv* is only "aiborne" if you are next to someone being violently ill and the particles in the air find their way into your mouth or nose and then down your digestive tract. They virus is only airborne very briefly after a v* episode. That said, If someone is ill, droplets might settle on objects in a small radius, so for example in a bathroom the toothbrush might be contaminated.

    Handwashing is your best defense and I promise it's effective. That's what doctors do and personal experience has proven to me that it's enough, but it's important to note that most hand sanitizers are not effective against sv* 's. They can live in stomach acid so they are tough little things. If someone is ill in your home/work, bleach is the best way to kill the virus and clean properly. I would note that normal clorox wipes do not actually contain bleach.

    In general, just wash before eating and don't mindlessly put your fingers in mouth and you will be ok. Nothing extreme, just basic common sense.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Default Re: Need noro info

    Like jboo, I agree french fries are pretty safe since they are cooked and probably not handled by food service workers.

    However, if you really want more info (and you are mentally prepared to know), I would encourage you to read CDC Vital Signs: Preventing Norovirus Outbreaks. There are a couple of statistics in there that highlight how gross food service in the US really is. One in particular is that 1 out of 5 food service workers reported going to work while sick with v* and d* (we probably all want to have these people tried and executed, but the fact is - they don't get paid time off and probably can't afford the loss of wage while sick). Many of them touch food with their bare hands even after its cooked (or your utensils or your plate or drink cup, etc etc) and another stat from that site is that the food service population has been observed to wash their hands only about 25% as much as they should.

    Also - norovirus is contagious both before and after someone is sick with it (although if they don't have symptoms they are less contagious).

    I hope I didn't scare you with those stats too much - no matter how gross food service is, the fact is that it's very unlikely you would catch anything from a particular visit. Only about 6% of the US population gets the norovirus per year, and the person who prepared your food would have to be in that 6% within the last 2 weeks.

    Just saying though - food service is NASTY and that's why I eat out very very rarely and only when forced, even though I've won the emetophobe genetic lottery and am immune to most strains of norovirus. I'd just rather not eat poop with my food.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Need noro info

    Just to reiterate what everyone else has already said, the high heat would've killed any potential noro off. Like you, I get psychosomatic symptoms and I convince myself that i'm sick when actually most of the time its nothing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Need noro info

    Quote Originally Posted by christineb View Post
    Also - norovirus is contagious both before and after someone is sick with it (although if they don't have symptoms they are less contagious).
    Actually (and thankfully) Norovirus ISN'T contagious until the person BEGINS TO SHOW SYMPTOMS. So, if someone is at your home and then begins to feel sick after leaving, you were in no danger while with them.

    And as far as the 1 out of 5 scenario, remember that ONLY 8% of people contract Noro in a given year. That's ALL people. Only a SMALL % of restaurant workers fall ill in a given year, if you consider that only about 1-2% of those sick actually work as food handlers (most likely even less than 1%, but let's say it's 2% of people just because). Only 1 in 5 of THOSE people would be POSSIBLY contagious and even with that scenario 99.999999% of them are wearing gloves.

    Good for you for not researching. It's senseless.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default Re: Need noro info

    Thankyou so much for ALL your reassuring posts, I for one are VERY grateful, your posts are not just reassuring they are VERY factual and this is such a good thing, bless you for all your time and knowledge

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    South Carolina, United States

    Default Re: Need noro info

    Excellent Web site

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Thumbs down Help and reassurance needed: worried about norovirus

    Hi I am new on here so no idea how to use this page. However I really really need help, or just someone to talk to who understands what it is like.
    I have suffered from emetophobia from a very young age. It sounds silly but when I was a child id say a prayer before leaving the house asking God to make sure that me and no one else was sick or felt sick around me! I've never been able to be sick as my body just shuts down and I have a kind of panic attacl. at the minute there is norovirus going round and I haven't been able to concentrate on anything else. I've had myself in tears all day and had to leave university early and haven't moved since then. Keep getting stomach cramps but think it's all in my head!!

    Do do you all get symptoms like this? I feel like a hypochondriac and none of my friends understand, they just think it's attention seeking!! My family understand and will always try and stay away for at least two days after they've been poorly.
    There are also different foods that I cannot eat now as I associate them with sickness and I am obsessed with hygiene and washing hands, bleaching door handles and light switches etc. Also refuse to go on public transport.
    Id be grateful if someone could reply, even if its just to reassure me that I'm not weird and im not the only one!!!

    And do any of you have any techniques to prevent yourselves from vomiting?

    Thank you



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