I was just wondering if anyone had tried it or would be willing to try being support pen pals.
I find that his forum can sometimes be more triggering that helpful when i'm already anxious as other peoples worries rub off on me. I thought the idea of a support pen pal would be good. Someone to talk to but who can't instantly reply. Someone i'm not likely to seek instant reassurance from but that i can discuss my general worries with. For example, if i'm worrying and feel unwell i cant ask them for reassurance as they can't instantly reply, but i can discuss my week/previous few days with and the things that have been on my mind in a more relaxed manner. I thought this might be better for getting off my chest my overall worries as well as give me someone to share my good days with too. Someone to tell when i've been brave or worked through someone i didn't think i could. Someone to share success stories with.
I'd love to hear back from anyone who'd like to try this with me or has any previous experience with this type of thing. xx