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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default ADHD medication and difficulty eating/anxiety

    I recently started taking Vyvanse for ADHD and it completely kills my appetite. I really have a difficult time eating when I'm not hungry, but when I don't eat the medication makes me anxious/inattentive. Do any of you have suggestions for things that are easy to eat when you're not hungry but you know you have to? Also I know this is off topic but I would really appreciate anyone's input if they also have tried Vyvanse and would recommend something else. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: ADHD medication and difficulty eating/anxiety

    my son took vyvanse for a while and it also killed his appetite. we gave him ensure, clif bars and other high protein/calorie items. when it wore off he would be starving.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: ADHD medication and difficulty eating/anxiety

    My boyfriend and I were just talking about this! My boyfriend was prescribed Vyvanse for his ADHD, and it absolutely killed his appetite, to the point where he suddenly fainted, and when he woke up he realized his Vyvanse took away so much of his appetite that he hadn't eaten in days. To make things worse, they gave him a pill to boost his appetite and it made him exhausted - like, falling asleep out of nowhere exhausted. He had a ton of other shitty symptoms with it, too (dry mouth, nausea). His sister takes Vyvanse, though, and the pill to help her eat, and she does famously on it. Her and my boyfriend both, on their respective medications, eat more than most people I know.

    ADHD medication is very personal and it works differently for everyone, so definitely talk to your doctor about it. They can adjust dosage, prescribe you a pill to help bring your appetite back, or just completely switch your medication like they had to do for my boyfriend. You shoudn't have to force yourself to eat anything, it is definitely possible to be on ADHD meds and have an appetite.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: ADHD medication and difficulty eating/anxiety

    my son was on three meds before we found the fourth that worked (regular old Ritalin, ironically). if the side effects don't get better in a week or so, call the dr. sometimes you adjust but I agree that you can't force food.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: ADHD medication and difficulty eating/anxiety

    Thank you both, I appreciate this information. This whole time I thought choking down food forcefully was just the reality of being on ADHD meds. I will definitely bring it up to my doc next time I go, thanks again



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