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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Unhappy Worries about big night!

    As you probably know comic relief is coming up soon and me and my best friend want to do a sleepover and watch it on tv.
    i am really nervouse that i will feel sick and get scared or maybe ill be sick IM SO SCARED
    please how can i stay calm (breathing slow doesnt help)
    Need hekloo for tomorrow night

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Worries about big night!

    whats hekloo? And its gonna be fine, hun! You will be having too much fun to even be worried. You are gonna be with your best friend, right? She must know about your fears...So IF u do start to feel a little panicky at some point, she will probably do whatever she can to help you feel more comfortable If it makes u feel better, maybe u can have the sleepover at your own house
    For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; But of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2Timothy. 1:7)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: Worries about big night!

    hekloo was a typo and I cant remember what i meant to say

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: Worries about big night!

    It is at my house, but my mums not there its her friend who stays alot and im not that close with her. My best friend does understand and she has panic attacks too but about diffrent things and shes not emetophobic, she V*s a lot and just gets back up like the same day and goes about her business! I dont know how she does it tbh.
    I have this thing called rescue remedy and that helps calm me down, but when the feeling of nausea comes and it does come alot theres nothing for that ( i dont take calpol)
    Thanks for the help. And yeah she does do what she can

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Oregon, USA

    Default Re: Worries about big night!

    You sound just like me. Honestly what I do in situations where I know I may or may not panic about it (movies, restaurants, car rides, etc) I keep my "kit" with me. Ginger candy, peppermints, peppermint oil, and I never take off my SeaBands. What you can do if you panic about sickness is to press on an acupressure point in your wrists (I'll explain the exact spot in a minute) that's known to ward off the feeling. SeaBands are basically a wristband that has a ball in it that sits on that acupressure point all the time, it's really good for pregnant women or people that get carsick or whatever (they're maybe 5 bucks at Walmart). If you take three fingers and place them on your wrist, you want to push on the spot where your third finger would sit. That probably didn't make a whole lot of sense, I hope it did, but it's a legitimate pressure point to cure it so googling those pressure points is probably a good idea. Also I've noticed that having something to squeeze helps me stay distracted. My wife gave me what she called a "worry stone" that I would hold and rub my thumb across whenever I panic, and she says that rubbing it takes the worry out of me and puts it in the rock. I still don't leave the house without it. What I can tell you for sure is, nothing about sitting in your house with your friend is going to make you v*. That's physically impossible. So just try to keep in mind that you're safe if you start to worry and that you're literally not doing anything that could possibly make that happen. Have a good time with your sleepover, hope that helped.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: Worries about big night!

    Sadly I read this after the sleepover, but this is helpful for future, the sleepover went smoothly. Thanks alot, and I have one of those bands so I will try to find it!



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