Re: My story.
Sorry you are feeling like this, i was very much like that at your age too in terms of wanting my mum there all the time and missing a lot of school through anxiety and panic. I didn't even know emet existed back then so got no help for it at all until I was in my twenties when I had some CBT. CBT is a therapy where the therapist helps you think and react differently to certain triggers and it definitely helps a lot of people. You won't need to talk about problems at home etc if you don't want to. Separation from a parent as a child is one of the theories as one of the causes of emetophobia i believe and it sounds like you are a bit separated from both of yours at the moment so that is bound to have some impact on you.
As for being tired all the time, teenagers do need an awful lot of sleep so make sure you are getting to bed at a reasonable time, especially if you have early starts. try and eat a healthy diet and eat regularly so your blood sugar doesn't drop as that can make you feel tired and under-par. If it is excessive tiredness though, have you had a sore throat at all around the time that started? Glandular Fever can leave you with long lasting tiredness afterwards and whilst some people suffer with a terrible sore throat and other symptoms, other people barely notice being ill in the first place. I'm not sure if a blood test would still be able to pick it up in your blood or not but it might be worth a chat with your GP if the tiredness is really affecting you. You could even be anaemic if you are not eating well but again a bloos test would pick that up.
Yes Emets do seem to have the ability not to vomit as readily as non-emets however it doesn't mean we can't be sick, i had noro and was and i couldn't have stopped that unfortunately as much as i would have liked to. being cocky about it won't make you sick, that's a bit of a superstion type thing - in fact there is a thread on that subject elsewhere on here at the moment - You are doing a lot of what-iffing which is common with this rather than living in the here and now and not worrying about what in all likelihood is not going to happen. CBT can help with that.
Do your mum and/or dad know about all of this? If you could confide in at least one of them and if they could go with you to the doctors then you will be able to get the help you need xx
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