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Thread: Pregnancy fear

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Pregnancy fear

    Prenatal vitamins made me sick, too. I took gummies the whole time and my girls are very healthy. I also got a lot of morning sickness. Since I am not afraid of v*ing myself, I did just v and I felt better for awhile. Also, it is not like having an sv, once it's over you're actually hungry. I'm not telling you to v by any means, just what happened with me. Heather is right. As unpleasant as it is, morning sickness is a good sign things are right on track. I'm sorry you're having a tough time. It will be worth it in the end. It won't be long before you figure out what foods and smells trigger it and you can avoid them.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: Pregnancy fear

    I felt like you did from weeks 9-14 - and then suddenly it disappeared. EVERYTHING made me want to v*, but i somehow never did. i licked a lot of preggo pops and oddly, occasionally i would feel okay and become starving for something like a cheeseburger- and i didn't get sick after i ate it. sipping seltzer flavored with lemon helped, as did popsicles. just try to stay away from smells - they were the worst - even pizza smells were bad for me... anyway, i'm hoping you feel better soon. it sucks but you'll get through it.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Northwest Ohio

    Default Re: Pregnancy fear

    i agree you dont want your tummy empty. try eating small amounts that are carbs, protein, and fat. it will help keep your blood sugar level. and not enough protein can make you dizzy. i got through 3 pregnancies and deliveries without v. so worth it!

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Washington State

    Default Re: Pregnancy fear

    Oh gosh a migraine wouldn't help for sure I'm sorry, I've heard headaches and migraines are fairly common in early pregnancy. I'm glad you're getting those preggy pops! I hope that they help! I honestly would say buy and eat anything that sounds good to you, at least during these rough periods. I have heard a LOT of good things about sour candies from all of my friends. Also have heard smelling lemon helps (not sure why, but it'd be worth a shot?)

    Yummm gummies! That's smart to just take a break while feeling so ill! I'm sure a couple days off wouldn't do anything, my friend did that in the worst of hers. Also, not sure if this is encouraging, but I have 6 friends who have been pregnant in the past 1.5 yrs and of all of them, only one had v*. The rest all just had n* from it.

    How did you feel today? I agree, the result will so be worth it, but the right now must be so, so hard. You can do this though, I truly believe you will get through this. Just keep thinking on the end result, and that this will not last! Or even thinking about that ultrasound when you get to see your sweet baby, and hear that little heart beating.. I hope that will make all of this worth it for you, to see this precious life you two have created! If the Zofran doesn't work, honestly I would go back to the doc and demand another type of anti nausea medication!

    One last thought- perhaps it was better that you didn't educate or prepare yourself.. after all if you did, your fear likely would have taken this dream of your own child away from you. So perhaps not knowing is better, because it has brought you to this point.

    Just keep holding on mama, and try anything and everything all the other mama's on here have suggested! I think you will find what works, and keep forcing yourself to take tiny bites of ANYTHING that you can get down!

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Pregnancy fear

    I have had a fear of sick as long as I can remember. I always worried about morning sickness and fear if being sick during labour. My baby is 5 months old now and u didn't get any sickness during pregnancy or labour. Thought this might help you a little

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    atlanta Ga

    Default Re: Pregnancy fear

    I went through severe morning sickness with both of my children. I was hospitalized twice when I was pregnant with my daughter from dehydration. I really do feel for you! I understand how awful you feel especially as an emet! I agree with the preggy pops and keeping something in your stomach at all times. It's weird how that works, You have to eat in order to not feel nauseous. Just eat small snacks as the day goes on. Trust me....It gets better! And once you hold your sweet baby in your arms you will forget how bad it was.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Washington State

    Default Re: Pregnancy fear

    How are you doing Amanda??

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Re: Pregnancy fear

    I know how you feel. When I got pregnant two years ago my anxiety went through the roof, especially knowing my mother was sick the whole nine months with me and my sister. I was terrified I would feel the same. The first 3-4months was just constant nausea for me, luckily no v*. Then of course I was terrified about the labor because my sister v* when she was in labor and I was mortified. I told my doctor of my fear and when I was in labor they gave me Zofran through an iv, and I gave birth all natural no pain meds nothing! And I did not v*. I don't know if the Zofran helped or if I just didn't feel n* naturally? After having my baby girl I feel like my fear has gotten a bit better because I'm so focused on her, I've even had her v* on me many times and I was able to be okay. I wish you luck when your time comes, just remember we are stronger than we think.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: Pregnancy fear

    I am currently 31w pregnant. I first found this community when I was about 8w pregnant. My anxiety was through the roof! I was experiencing mild n* but the anxiety was so so bad. I never v* in the first trimester! I did feel n*, but I was able to cope with Zofran, Unisom/B6 and eating (which sounds crazy, but nothing made me feel worse than an empty stomach).

    The one piece of advice I wish I could go back and give myself was to not read everything on the Internet! It made it so much worse! Half of the experiences people had never happened to me and just made me more anxious!



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