Hi I'm fiona and I'm 19 also new here I've been trying to find a place to be able to talk to people going through the same thing as me but obviously I am scared to death of being sick and even more so of catching this norovirus I've been cleaning my home so much, I've been stressing about this virus, every winter I become like this I constantly feel sick because my mind is playing tricks on me making me think that I'm ill when I'm not such as if I burp or have a bit of a stomach ache I presume I will be sick and I never do, its a constant battle I feel I am having with myself telling myself that I'm not ill. After winter went I stopped feeling like this and got on with my life I thought I'd beaten it but obviously not because I'm back here again, in 2011 I have the virus just without the diarrhea and it was on Christmas evening I had it and it pretty much scarred me for life this is where my phobia originated from so I've done my researching about the norovirus I know what o need to do but it doesn't stop me being paranoid or feeling anxious or wanting to cry and lock myself away from the world. Anyone going or has been through the same thing? x