Re: Noro question:
Have no fear. Take it from me from someone who just got over a sv. I only had *d* really bad. my 3 kids a *v* and my ex *v* I don't know if it was because i did my whole "im not going to eat" thing. In the end I wish i would have ate, and i would have preferred to *v* as horrible as that sounds. Not eating and getting as sick as i did was terrible. I ended up in the hospital. I was severely dehydrated. It was a terrible experience because of what I, my phobia, did to myself. I am still recovering. physically. I'm not sick anymore, but not taking care of myself, sure made the rest of me feel terrible. I dropped 10 lbs because my phobia got the best of me. So, even if you are afraid you are going to get chicken noodle or something just so you can keep your strength up.
~always wishing for the best, Eveningstar~