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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    USA - Illinois -

    Question Is it just me..?

    Does anyone else not like to eat where they touched?

    Sometimes, even when I wash my hands, I'll still do that....

    (Just...that corner of the sandwiched I touched....it's contaminated!)

    I dunno, It's weird.

    Well, I generally have a thing with not eating with my hands - I've spent the last three years of my Emet/Myso-fear/OCD coming up with ways to avoid touching food - even stuff that's supposed to be 'finger food.' (Eww...just the thought of touching food right now....just.....eew...)

    Does anyone else do this..?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Is it just me..?

    Absolutely. Even if I've washed. It makes eating chips at a restaurant a mess cuz the little corners I've touched end up all over the place.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: Is it just me..?

    I only do that when I can't properly wash my hands with soap and water (if all I have is hand sanitizer, for example). Otherwise if I washed my hands properly and didn't touch any dirty surfaces, I don't do it. Sometimes I'll just use a clean napkin that I turned inside out (so the clean side that was folded inside is touching the food) to pick up my food instead. But outside of my home if I just washed my hands and didn't have to touch doors or whatever in between, I will eat with my fingers. And at home, well, if I live alone and control the cleanliness of my apartment, I'll eat with my hands all the time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    USA - Illinois -

    Default Re: Is it just me..?

    Quote Originally Posted by amoriari View Post
    Absolutely. Even if I've washed. It makes eating chips at a restaurant a mess cuz the little corners I've touched end up all over the place.
    At times, I've resorted to eating chips with a fork...well, not in public, at least. XD

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    USA - Illinois -

    Default Re: Is it just me..?

    Quote Originally Posted by AoD View Post
    I only do that when I can't properly wash my hands with soap and water (if all I have is hand sanitizer, for example). Otherwise if I washed my hands properly and didn't touch any dirty surfaces, I don't do it. Sometimes I'll just use a clean napkin that I turned inside out (so the clean side that was folded inside is touching the food) to pick up my food instead. But outside of my home if I just washed my hands and didn't have to touch doors or whatever in between, I will eat with my fingers. And at home, well, if I live alone and control the cleanliness of my apartment, I'll eat with my hands all the time.

    My only issue is that I don't live by myself - I'm still living with my family, so I have little control of the cleanliness of my enviorment...well, that's if I'm not spending day after day cleaning. :/ Which I don't resort to.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: Is it just me..?

    Ah, yes. I understand, I am stuck with a roommate right now who isn't very clean. So I do a lot of handwashing and only dry my hands with a towel I keep in my room so she won't contaminate it. I often have to re-wash dishes she washed, too.. because she doesn't wash them properly and there's like still grease marks and sticky stuff on them. My family is pretty clean though, so when I stay at my parent's place I feel it is safe (they haven't caught any sv* since we were kids).

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: Is it just me..?

    Oh yes, I do the same and make sure no one is looking. I do it even when I wash my hands unless I'm at home.



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