I found that I've been oversleeping lately, and I'm currently finding the reasons why.

1. My schedule is off. I wake up at noon, and I don't go outside much...so I don't get any sun - just artificial light (lamp + laptop screen...probably not healthy.) Usually the sun helps to set your biological clock.

2. Dreams! I love dreaming - I've actually been able to lucid dream lately, which is cool. I would wake up, then I'd want to dream again, so I go back to sleep - and have another dream.

3. My medication...maybe? I take 50mg of Trazodone to help me sleep - I'm taking this due to my racing / intrusive thoughts at night. I'm not entirely sure if this is part of the reason of oversleeping. Two months ago, I was on 100mg, and I did sleep more, but I was able to wake up when I had to.

3 & 1/2. I've also switched back to Zoloft (50mg,) and I was taken off of Prozac (40mg,) a few weeks ago. I'm not sure if that would have any effect on my sleep.

4. I don't really have anything to look forward to in the day - I usually just do the same thing - get ready, clean, go on the computer, etc. Not too much excitement...

5. My alarm clock wakes me up, but...I just walk over & turn it off, then go back to sleep. My alarm clock is on the opposite side of my room, too. XD

So, does anyone have any thoughts on this...?