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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Post Getting on a plane for 19 hours and FREAKING OUT

    Hi, well it's been 5 years since my last rant but really had to come on here in desperate need of support.

    I'm in Australia and in a few weeks I am flying to the United States via New Zealand. In total, I am going to be in the air for 19 hours and I am totally FREAKING OUT. When I fly, I ALWAYS like to get a seat on my own so that no one v* next to me but when I called the airline today they told me that it was a full flight and every single seat was taken.

    What do I do???? I can't be in a panic attack for 19 hours and I'm soooooo totally freaking out and don't what to do. Has this happened to anyone else and if so what did you do, how did you handle yourself and what advice can you give me, given that I will be stuck in the plane for so long. Pleas help. I thank everyone in advance who responds to this post.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Re: Getting on a plane for 19 hours and FREAKING OUT

    I know how panic inducing long flights can be. However, I have never ever seen anybody v* on a flight...and if you were very very unfortunate and this did happen to you, I'm sure that you could politely explain the situation to a member of cabin crew and they could find you somewhere else to sit.

    Although really, DO NOT WORRY. The chances of this happening are so slim that it needn't cross your mind. Anyway, if somebody was to get sick it would most probably be due to travel sickness, so nothing contagious.

    Just look forward to your holiday and don't worry about the flight...have fun!!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Getting on a plane for 19 hours and FREAKING OUT

    I am in the exact same predicament, from Australia and going away at the end of the year to the US and am absolutely petrified of being in a plane for that long. I've never been on a flight longer than 3 hours so I can't even comprehend being stuck for that long. Will totally be taking any advice posted in this thread. What's worse is I keep having friends who have horror flight stories and on the weekend was told of a real bad one, haha. Pretty sure this is all I even post about too!

    This probably isn't helping you at all, although I like to think all my non-emet friends are getting the bad experiences so I can have stress-free flights when I do go. I'm going to go to my doctor before to get some meds (who I only just recently discovered is actually an emet somehow), and am going to take every possible distracting item under the sun. Really hate this anxiety over such a short thing (in the long term if you know what I mean)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    New Jersey

    Default Re: Getting on a plane for 19 hours and FREAKING OUT

    I have flown to

    Hawaii - 3 times (6 flights round trip) 11 hours of flying each time
    Europe - 7 imes (14 round trip) - 7 -9 hours fllght each time
    All over the US flights ranging from 2 hours to 6 hours. Prob over 50 flights. (100 round trip)

    That is 120 flights (probably a lot more), and I can say that if someone got sick on any of those flights, I didnt hear or see anything. I think once on a trip back from Germany, a guy got sick cause he was DRUNK, cause I heard the stewardess saying something to the other about the drunk guy in seat (whatever the #) That was a long time ago, and now they limit how much someone can drink.

    I think you will be fine!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    New Jersey

    Default Re: Getting on a plane for 19 hours and FREAKING OUT

    Also, my friend is a stewardess with United and it always using those "barf bags" for daily chores and stuff, because she says that they rarely get used, so they all take em from the cabin, lol.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    New Jersey

    Default Re: Getting on a plane for 19 hours and FREAKING OUT

    Ill tell you this though... you couldn't pay to get my butt on a cruise! I don't think it is worrying about motion sickness, I just don;t like the thought of being out in the middle of an ocean for days...



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