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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Unhappy Help please! URGENT.

    I need help with coping with emetophobia. I've been missing alot of classes lately because of this fear. I was wanting some advice on how to help cope with this and how I can continue living my life without this interfering so much. I'm terrified to go into public and sit for awhile because theres always that thought in my mind "am i gonna get sick". I will mistake hunger for nausea and then make myself sicker cause I'm worrying about being sick. It's so unhealthy and I'm so fed up with. I just need someone else's point of view. I just realized that what i was experiancing actually had a name, so that made me feel alittle better. But I have class tomorrow and im terrified to go because people living in my house claimed to have a 24 hour sv. So i've been worrying myself sick. Anything will help. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default Re: Help please! URGENT.

    Hi, I'm sorry you're having such a rough time right now.. I myself haven't been at school for three years, so I can really relate. I can't get a job, because I'm scared of being around other people too much. The first advice I can give you, is talk to your teachers. Tell them about your problems, and maybe then they can help you! I told my teachers three years ago, and I am not failing any classes because of my problems. I do alot of homework at home, and deliver it to them over the computer. It works out fine, but it's a bit of more hard work than actually going to school, so it stresses me out a bit. But education is important to me, so I wanted to stick with it as best as I could. But you need to remember that even though school and education is important, your health is more important. Let yourself breathe and relax, only take on what you feel ready for. And if you get your school "fixed", you have one less problem to worry about. It might make your whole life a lot easier. :-)

    As far as coping goes, there is many things you can do to feel better. I'm a beliver in not letting the anxiety get the best of you, but at the same time you need to be able to feel the anxiety to cope with it better. You can use past experiences to cope with upcoming ones. Like, "I've had an anxiety attack 100 times before, and I'm not sick, I can do this!". You could also try do to small things that you enjoy, but don't do alot because you are scared. If you are afraid of going to the mall, or eating something - go to the mall and stay as long as you can without panicking, and eat just a little bit of something you are scared of (but like!!). Little things make the big difference!

    I hope you feel better soon, and remember you are not alone. There are lots of great people on this forum that will help you with anything you are wondering about. You can do this, we all can! :-) Stay positive, hugs!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: Help please! URGENT.

    Thank you so much for that! I'm just terrified of even bringing this up to anyone, let alone my professors. :/ I shall try to work on it though. Anything will help.



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