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  1. #31
    Join Date
    May 2011
    U.S.A Georgia

    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    4th grade

    so 4 years ago (i just finished 8th)

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    Novermber 6, 2010, at around 2:30 in the morning and every 20 minutes or so until around 6...yuck...and i felt completely fine the night before when I went to bed around 11!

  3. #33
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    the last time i v* was october 2010 i only v* once but that was from Fp and thats when my phobia kicked in full force

  4. #34
    Join Date
    May 2011
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    13 years ago.

  5. #35

    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    I've been sick a couple of times from drinking in 2007 (I panicked while I was intoxicated....not a good mix) The last time I had the stomach virus was December 30, 2002. I remember every single detail of that day. The anticipation was the worst but after being sick I felt so much better and remember saying "that wasn't that bad"....wish I could still think that.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    hmm.. I get nauseous ALOT...But I think the last time I actually vomited was probably when I was drunk last september.. I dont count the drunk ones though (I dont care as much) its stomach bugs that I care about.. I last had a stomach bug about 3 years ago I think? Maybe longer.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    New York

    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    Quote Originally Posted by orton99 View Post
    Okay, first something to make people gasp and then a serious point...

    I haven't been sick since 10 days after my 10th birthday, on 30th June...wait for it, this is good...1983. No, that's not a typo!

    However, just before anyone says anything like, "Wow, that's brilliant, you must be so lucky", a word of caution. I've been seeing a therapist for a few weeks now (and will additionally start CBT soon) to try and overcome this horrible phobia and am now realising that I've probably had it wrong for all these years, in seeing this "perfect record" as something to be really pleased about.

    I've had remarkably few near misses since then but the nearest was last August, when I caught a stomach bug and was very nearly sick two or three times. I pretty much swallowed/choked it back down each time, but the experience really shook me. Me? Be sick? Me?! The point is not having been sick for so long has meant that I simply cannot deal with the idea at all, can't process it and can't grasp it. Hence the fear and panic at the thought that I might be as it now stands in my mind as the ultimate horror, the Thing That Cannot Be. Had I thrown up a few times since then I might not now have this problem, or at least not so strongly, as I'd know - phobic heresy though this is - that maybe it's not quite so bad after all. But there's the rub. I don't know that, so am terrified of it.

    I'm certainly not criticising any other posters on this thread who have all (I'm sure quite easily) been able to supply the date they were last sick, as it simply seems to go with the territory with this phobia and as you can see I can "do dates" as well as anyone (the time before that was 25th July 1982 in case you're wondering), but my wider point here is to sound a note of caution, that maybe getting so hung up on when it last happened, however understandable, isn't actually helpful at all and is in fact one of the thinking patterns that keeps the phobia in place.

    So yes, I haven't been sick for a very, very long time and until recently I'd felt pretty pleased about that. Now though, I think that the night of 30th June 1983 has in truth become an albatross round my neck and, far from being something to be proud of, has actually been casting a long, malignant shadow for nearly 28 years. My therapist just the other day rhetorically asked why I felt that that date was so significant. After all she said, it's just a memory.

    Truth is, she's right.

    I feel the same way although i havent thrown up since 1999 when i was 9 (21 now) stomach bugs and nausea all the time never once, and its like oh crap what do i do if it happens? i feel like while its happening im gonna be like OMG IM ACTUALLY DOING IT HOLY CRAP. lol and be in a state of shock because its been so long too. ohhhhhh man. when that day comes who knows whats going to happen.

  8. #38
    Join Date
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    watford, england

    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    Last time for me was 9 years ago ! Can't help thinking its going to happen soon, who goes 9 years? And has a child? I'm sure its unheard of!

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    My longest streak was 18 years. It's not uncommon for emets to go long periods of time without V*ing.
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  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    My last time was one month and 2 days ago . Thats why I'm back to square one now in my recovery...

  11. #41
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    Around 13 years.

  12. #42
    Join Date
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    Bridgeport, CT

    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    Wow, some of you guys are lucky...I got sick March 4, 2010 thats the last time (yes, I wrote it down) my husband, October 23, 2010....so *knocks on wood* we aren't due for a little while...though I've been nauseated a bunch of times since.

  13. #43
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    Wiltshire, UK

    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    Last time for me was December 26th 2007 around 11pm due to drinking wine (I was 14) before that due to illness was 2004 around May time at about 2am... *touch wood* because I always feel like it's going to happen again soon if I don't... Plus there's a bug going round my village at the moment so I'm on high alert!

  14. #44
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    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    omg u guys

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    4 days ago got a sv*. Hated it, havent eaten since, too scared too.

  16. #46
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    The last time I v* due to a SV was in July 2008 at 14.30 in the afternoon on a bus.
    But the last time I v* was yesterday.
    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
    ~Herm Albright

  17. #47
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    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    15 years ago, not exactly sure. Don't remember being phobic about it then. Think I was more phobic of others doing it then. Have had very few flu bugs since then but never felt nauseated with them, just the headache, fever kind I guess. I've felt nauseated from food plenty of times but can manage to hold it back. I've been taking anti-nausea pills for a few years now.

  18. #48
    Join Date
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    Steelers Country! Pennsylvania, United states

    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    About 20 years ago...I was 4 I believe. I had brochitis or pnemonia and my dad gave me milk to drink...bad idea because I guess milk makes you more phlemy so it made me v*. I've had a few close calls since then, the most recent was in 2008 I was working at a daycare, and this was when my phobia first started, but I hadn't realized it was the anxiety that was really making me n*, I thought there was seriously something wrong with me for constantly feeling n*. But I was outside with the kids and I was so sure I was going to v* and I couldnt leave the kids to go to the bathroom, so I leaned over a bush and gagged so hard. But of course nothing. I kind of wish I would have though. Maybe I wouldnt be so bad now. But I do remember being little and shaking while v* so maybe my phobia started then?

  19. #49
    Join Date
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    Washington, USA

    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    3 weeks ago. My cat v* in front of me which made me run away and V*, too. Worse part is, he's still getting sick because he's not chewing his food... I have to toss him outside every time he eats because I'm too afraid..

  20. #50
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    Sorry that your cat v* makes you v* too. I have two cats and sometimes I get so nauseated when they get sick. Sometimes I'll leave the room covering my ears. Then I come back, cover my nose and put paper towel over it until I can clean it up. For me, if I can cover it up first, then come back to it later, I don't see what I'm cleaning up and it helps my anxieties.

  21. #51
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    The last time I vomited I was 10. Now I'm almost 1

  22. #52
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    It was this past June. I had the flu. It happen in the middle of the night. I cried! then called my mom. I couldn't eat for the rest of the week.

  23. #53
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    May of 2010 from food poisoning (horrid experience), and from sickness in June of this year.

  24. #54
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Portland, Or.

    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    My last time was 1988. *touches wood...hopefully I haven't jinxed myself!

  25. #55

    Default Re: How long has been since you last v*?

    About 8 months ago... However before then I was holding a 4-year record



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