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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Calgary, AB

    Exclamation Ran out of my pills.

    I ran out of my pills (clonazepam - for panic attacks) and I will be missing a dose tonight. I am very worried that I will feel sick and have a panic attack and not have my pills to calm me down. I went to the pharmacy but they were closed, and I went to the hospital but they wanted me to wait in a waiting room full of sick people. Yeah right, like I'm going to sit in a waiting room for 3 hours full of sick people, without medication while I have emet.

    I hate when people don't understand this illness... Ignorance is my biggest pet peeve.

    I fear that I won't sleep tonight without my pills, and that I will panic..

    Just wondering if anyone out there had some suggestions on trying to fall asleep fast, or just helping me take my mind off of this for one night?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Ran out of my pills.

    I can't imagine what you must be going through, complete panic but it WILL be ok. First of all, you are feeling fine- you will be fine the rest of the night. Tips for sleeping- fall asleep to a movie, listen to an ipod to help you sleep, deep long breathes, puzzles! I love suduko, there are lots of puzzles you can get online. Try sitting up in bed for an hour, if you have a laptop take that in bed with you and play games etc. Once it's been around an hour, you are still feeling fine, try lying down, keep a light on if it makes you feel better. Please don't panic though- count numbers in your head- anything to take your mind off it. It won't be long until you get to the pharmacy but you are going to be ok until you do :-) I hate how people don't understand either :-( thank goodness for this forum X

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Calgary, AB

    Default Re: Ran out of my pills.

    Thank you so much, I watched a fav movie and got so lost in it that I forgot my panic then I was tired enough to fall asleep. xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Ran out of my pills.

    Don't worry about missing one dose; you'll be fine as long as you don't miss another one the next day. I missed my dose of Zoloft on Monday and I felt fine, and last night too and I feel fine. Just make sure to take it the next time you're supposed to, maybe an hour or two earlier even.

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    Att våga är att tappa fotfästet en stund, att inte våga är att förlora sig själv."
    "To dare is to lose your foothold for a moment, to not dare is to lose yourself."

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    West Midlands

    Default Re: Ran out of my pills.

    I hope this isn't out of line, but maybe because your taking constant doses your becoming reliant on then. When you miss one your panicking because you think your gonna panic! Hehe youve turned into a roundabout here and your just going round, take an exit. Say to yourself , these pills were stopping me from panicking, why xo you panic? Because you think your gonna v*? The pills have only stopped your paniic attacks.they haven't stopped you from being s*. Youv done that all yourself and should be proud!



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