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Thread: Zofran

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    United States

    Default Zofran

    I hear Zofran is one of the most powerful anti-emetics out there. Has anyone had experience with this drug, and any suggestions on how to receive it from a doctor?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Zofran

    Zofran is a powerful anti-emetic (though there is a second generation of drugs that are even stronger). It works by blocking receptors in the brain that cause nausea.

    I have taken it for three reasons:

    1. Chemotherapy. The chemo I got is extremely n&v provoking, and Zofran alone was not enough, so I took it in conjunction with some of the second generation drugs I mentioned above. (It did not lose it's effectiveness despite the fact I took it for eight months.)

    2. Acid reflux. My GP prescribed it on this occasion. It helped me not feel sick to my stomach while waiting for Nexium to kick in for a couple days.

    3. Double-vision from an eye problem. It worked extremely well for this.

    I have never taken it for a stomach virus, although I probably would try it if I came down with one since I have Zofran available.

    Zofran can cause a severe headache, but I personally only had problems with the IV form causing headaches. It can also cause pretty severe constipation. The other problem with it is it is expensive and insurance companies limit how many pills you can have (my insurance will cover it, but only let you have twenty pills per month).

    Hope that helps.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Anchorage, Alaska

    Default Re: Zofran

    I am an emetophobe with Crohn's Disease. Unfortunately I get a lot of nausea with my disease. I was prescribed Promethazine (spelling?), but that made me very sleepy. I am a teacher and a mother of two young children, so asked my doctor if there was anything he could prescribe that wouldn't make me tired. He was reluctant to prescribe Zofran at first because he thought that was overkill. I let him know that in addition to the intestinal cramping, the nausea can be something else, and that I refused to suffer. After several complaints, he prescribed it for me. It works like a charm. I've used it when I had Crohn's attacks, regular nausea episodes, while I was in labor, and during a stomach bug. I highly recommend it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    OHIO, United States

    Default Re: Zofran

    I have some and it works very well. I have a sv right now, and I think it saved me. I only have one left, so I hope I'm past that part now!
    “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

    “We are the girls with anxiety disorders, filled appointment books, five-year plans. We take ourselves very, very seriously. We are the peacemakers, the do-gooders, the givers, the savers. We are on time, overly prepared, well read, and witty, intellectually curious, always moving. We pride ourselves on getting as little sleep as possible and thrive on self-deprivation. We drink coffee, a lot of it. We are on birth control, Prozac, and multivitamins. We are relentless, judgmental with ourselves, and forgiving to others. We never want to be as passive-aggressive as our mothers, never want to marry men as uninspired as our fathers. We are the daughters of the feminists who said, “You can be anything,” and we heard, “You have to be everything.”

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    australia, NSW

    Default Re: Zofran

    yes the doctor told me its the best in the world. but i dont know weather you would be able to get it if you just have this phobia. if you have another problem causing n* then you could but i wuoldnt reccomend getting it just to 'cover' your phobia. if you go i reckon they would put you onto treatment like they did with me instead of anti emetics
    No passion so effectively robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    New England

    Default Re: Zofran

    Doctors are generally reluctant to prescribe this pill since it's more expensive and it's kind of like calling in an the swat team for a shoplifter. Unless you have a condition that would make this a necessity (like undergoing chemo), they try to start small and keep you as unmedicated as possible. Other prescriptions can be very effective, like compazine. Insurance tends to cover this one a lot more and it's just in general cheaper (mine was under $10 for 10 pills). I got a sv and I took one before I v*ted and I never did (was n*s, but no v*ting), nothing as powerful as Zofran needed. I find it's helpful for recovery to start with the smallest doses of everything possible so I don't just take a million pills over anxiety. For instance, if I feel n*s, I chew on some ginger candy, then up to the pepto. I make sure it's "real" before I take something prescription. This helps me weed out real illness from anxiety related issues and to not rely on prescription medication. These are pretty powerful drugs! It helps me to remember that v*ing illnesses affect people less than once a year normally (most people I talked to said once every 5-10 years excluding medication and drinking problems), this from people who aren't trying not to v*t. Ginger is non-prescription and REALLY works. I didn't believe it, but I bought some ginger tea and it helps me n*a 90% of the time. It's not a placebo effect, it's well-documented for morning sickness, chemo, and can be powerful.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Re: Zofran

    I get a headache from it, but it sure is better than the alternative for me.



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