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Thread: school

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default school

    so i'm fourteen years old and everytime we get assigned seats in classes I end up COMPLETLEY dreading school since i'm always afraid someone is going to v* it's gets so bad that I try making up excuses to move seats.. I've had this problem ever since I was little. I constantly look at every i'm by to make sure they don't even look like theyre going to get sick either. it's just really tough, it makes me get so upset at school. I have to ask everyone i'm by how they feel today and everything to. I'm just so sick of it. I want to enjoy it just a little bit and it's so hard to with this phobia any suggestions what I can do to make it easier?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    north carolina, usa

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    i'm sorry that you are having a hard time with that.........maybe if you take into account just how many times someone has gotten sick in your class.....probably not many...if any at all.......and you will realize that it doesnt happen very much it will relax you.......maybe if you tell the teacher you need to sit by the door and explain a little bit of your phobia they might understand.......although i never had the nerve to do that myself.

    good luck......enjoy your school days......they really are better than work....lol
    how i feel about emet
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  3. #3
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    This must be hard for you to deal with, but I'll tell you this: I never saw or knew of anyone get sick when I was in highschool. People normally stay home if they feel sick unlike when you're a lot younger and can't tell when somethings up (I only ever saw one kid get sick when I was in 3rd grade). Has someone been sick before? is that why you are worried? I honestly don't think you need to fear seeing someone get sick in class.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Englanddd :)

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    hey im fourteen aswell i wouldnt worry about it to much... no-one has ever thrown up in my class have they in yours??? i think it is rare to throw up in class at our age plus we are smart enough now to run out to the toilet to throw up... just try not to let it control you as there is like a 5% chance it will happen....

  5. #5
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    it doesn't happen very often but it happened to me alot when i was little. for me, when someone actually gets sick it's not even the worst part just the anxiety I build up to it sucks and stresses me out. I know it doesn't happen very often but even if someone says they don't feel good I like instantly go in panic mode. so lately I find myself making excuses about why I need to move. for an example, today I told my economics teacher that I can't sit in the front because of movement behind me distracts me somehow he bought it though. idk i just want this to end so bad :/ it's like this at fairs and stuff too. like I LOVE roller coasters but I'm always afraid someone will get sick on them so I won't ride them.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Peterborough, On Canada

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    I was like that all through school also, if anyone was ever sick in class I would have to go home also as I would be in worse shape then the actual sick kid. In high school I started getting panic attacks in the classrooms especially if the door was closed and I was no where near it. It is truly awful not being able to relax and enjoy and just not be in a constant state of anxiety and worry.
    I am sorry you are going through this, It has been over 20 years now since I was in high school and if it is any help at all nobody ever did get sick in class. Gr 5 was the last time it happened in school that I experienced!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Englanddd :)

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    I worry more about me being sick in class.... x

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    yeah my phobia is actually more about others getting sick. today actually a kid asked my teacher in first hour if he could go to the bathroom because he felt like he was going to, and she said no the only place you can go is the office to sign out. i felt like i was going to have a panic attack, I almost went home also. the thing that sucked is this kid sad two places behind me in that class, and he was in all except one of my other classes and he came back to school. I was worried for the rest of the day. Hopefully he's better tomorrow, he sits right next to me in second hour..

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    upstate NY

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    As a kid I was home sick quite a bit and my math has suffered because of this; but, it was the other kids getting sick that traumatized me with this phobia since kindergarden. I well understand your fear because it is very real. Perhaps some of the senior members here can be of better assistance on how to cure it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    United States

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    I know how you feel, I still feel like that in college and hate sitting in front of people. If it's any consolation, I've never seen anyone over the age of like 10 get sick in public. Also, I think people get better at understanding how they feel as they get older and get more embarrassed by being sick in public. That's why you really rarely see older people get sick. I just remind myself of that every time I get panicky and it helps calm me down. You also might be able to talk to your counselor and get disability accommodations so you can always sit in the back.

  11. #11
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    yeah I always make up random excuses that my teachers buy to sit in the back.

  12. #12

    Default Re: school

    In high school I only knew of one kid getting s* and it was obvious that it was going to happen so I took a cut for the class. Other than that, everyone else who ever got s* at school was either drunk (yeah I went to a horrible school) or did it in such a way that I didn't know about it until I saw them going home. I was so paranoid that i explained to one of my teachers what was going on with me and she tried to understand and was very flexible with me getting up and moving if I had to.

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    When In doubt, God prays to Hoffman

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    I'm afraid my teachers won't understand if I talk to them about it. Like even if I know kids that got sick in school in elementary, i'll still try to avoid sitting by them as a freshman.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

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    im th same age as you and have this phobia aswell its horrible... people say that theoropy works very well but its expensive, there are other means of dealing with it on the internet but they all make you pay. I tried making a website to help people for free if you would like to visit it (i tried putting it on but the website wont let me) its not very good but i tried lol. my email adress is on there if anyone needs to talk about it! the more you talk about your fear and the more people you tell the easier it will be fore you, try telling members of your family and friends at school, it will do you good

    (il give u my email adress if u want some help with it)

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Re: school

    i'm also 14
    I've never had that problem, actually i'm gotten like 10000000x better at emet than I was when i was 8. That's when it was the worst. Now the only time i ever think about it is if I really see someone getting sick. I'm not afraid of myself v*ing.
    But just remind yourself that v* is just food...that really helps for me
    but i'm sure no one will get sick. Don't worry

  16. #16
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    I've never seen anyone be sick in school. There was one time where a girl ran out with a hand over her mouth, but she just ended up sneezing - weird, right?

    Anywho, the older you get the less likely people are to be sick at school (or in general)

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Salem, Oregon, USA

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    I have been a high school and middle school teacher for nearly twenty years. I chose to teach these upper grades because I figured my students could handle their bodily fluids on their own (primary concern v*, of course). In ALL my years of teaching, I've encountered evidence of v* on a toilet once, the smell of v* coming from a bathroom once, and v* on the grass outside on two separate occasions. I told the custodial staff right away each time, and it was dealt with immediately. I've also heard about it happening in various places but wasn't present to witness it. I've never actually seen any of my students v*. So four encounters with v* after the fact in 20 years isn't so bad. Believe me, if a student of mine told me that have a phobia and asked to sit by the door, I would completely sympathize. I'm sure there are multiple phobias that would require a person to sit by the door for a quick escape route in order to feel safe.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

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    I'm 14 too. I am petrified because if someone gets sick in my class I bolt from the room. In middle school, this girl got sick during a chorus practice right behind me. I was so scared, I ran out of the room. I refused to go back the rest of the day, even though I had another chorus class. Then the same thing happened two weeks later :P My new high school teachers seem more strict and I'm afraid I'll get in trouble if I leave.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

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    I know how you feel. Like, when you see someone that seems like they are sick, you can't concentrate on any of your work for the whole time you are in that class with them.

    This friday, I was in social studies, and the kid I was next to (he's disabled ) was like fidgeting around and acting like he didn't feel well. I was practicly leaning into the aisle with my chair.. Then when we were reading out of the textbook, he covers his mouth like he was sick, but he sneezed instead!! I jumped like a foot in the air because I thought he was getting sick. He wasn't sick at all.. I was freaking out over nothing, and embarrassed myself by jumping from someone sneezing..

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2010

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    When I was younger I had this fear too (actually still fear people getting sick at school and everywhere else). I actually had to deal with a lot of my classmates getting sick on numerous occasions even through highschool and now in college and grad school, though by now people tend to make it to the bathroom before becoming ill. I use to run and hid out places when classmates had gotten sick (actually I still would now). Its tough!



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