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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    United States



    So I'm about to go to Spain for a year, the problem is, I have to get on a
    plane, which is extremely difficult for me because of the throw up factor.
    The last plane trip I took, the girl across the aisle started doing the deed
    before the jets even started. I was a horrible wreck. I had a migraine from
    all of the stress, my back, neck, and stomach were in knots. The flight
    lasted nine miserable hours with this girl barfing the whole way. Before
    the jets started, while we were taking off, while we were flying, when
    there was turbulence, when there wasn't...THE WHOLE TIME. I am flying
    alone this time and I am so extremely afraid that someone that gets
    motion sickness will just happen to be placed beside me because thats
    how my life seems to work. THe universe hates me. I have more throw up
    stories than anyone I feel like, just because I hate it so much. So my
    question to whomever is; What is the politest way to not make a scene if
    this happens, because I'm afraid that I won't be able to control myself. If
    the person beside me starts puking, I will be up and out of that seat in a
    hot minute. Can I ask them when they sit down if they get sick? IF they
    say yes, what can I do? I don't want to be kicked off of the plane so I'd
    have to wait until we were in the air. Do the flight attendants let people
    sit in the back where their seats are if there's one open? I'm getting a
    sedative I guess from my doctor, but I'm worried about taking it because
    it's going to make me go to sleep and what if the person thats barfing
    beside me gets it on me or something. That would be wretchid waking up
    finding vom on you. Does anyone have any tricks or tips to help me out?

    Just a side note. If I ever get enough money, I'm going to buy an airline
    and you will have to go through a motion sickness test. If you get sick,
    you're not allowed on my planes, if that were to somehow be illegal, there
    would be a special section for the people that do get sick. It would be
    sealed off so that it didn't gross out/bother/freak out the paying
    customers that didn't get sick. I think it's so unfair that I may be subject
    to sitting beside someone that is going to do something that I fear more
    than death. Give me poop, pee, needles, rats, roaches, spiders, blood,
    leprosy, or anything else people are afraid of and I'm fine, but when it
    comes to vomit...I'm helpless. My fight or flight kicks in and I'm usually
    gone like the wind.

    Bottom line, my luck is so horrible when it comes to this, I just can't help
    but think that I'm going to get screwed.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    United States


    Due to the severity of some of our phobias in this community please do not leave the words like "vomit" "barf" "puking" spelled out like that-- please abreviate it like this v* b* p*

    Thanks and welcome to the forum

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    That's a horrible story. You know I've been on a plane more than 100 times and I have never encountered a v*er. Just lucky I guess. Tranquilizer is a good idea. Take one as a trial run before you leave one night to see how you do with it. I take Ativan when I fly and it actually just calms me and doesn't knock me out or render me useless. If you wind up next to a v*er ask to be relocated. How often is there not at leasdt one empty seat to move to. I asked to be moved beforw and wound up in 1st class. If you're polite to flight attendants they're almost always willing to accomidate you. Try not to worry too much in advance. By the way, I'll fly your airline once you get it up and running. Haha!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Hi, welcome [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

    Well, I've flown loads of times in the past and never come accross anyone being ill on a plane so i think that was just rotten luck sitting by that girl.

    The fact she was ill before it even took off shows it wasn't travel s*ness either it sounds like she had fp* or an sv*.

    My tips would be to take things that block you off from the other passengers if need be, so:

    Take an ipod so you can listen to your favourite music

    Take plenty of reading material and also an eye mask so you can get some sleep and also handy if you've got someone next to you who won't shut up talking and you want to pretend to be asleep for a while! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

    Take something nice to sniff on in case there's any nasty whiffs, choose an aromatherapy oil that you like and then you can put a few drops on a tissue - have a google as they all do different things like calm you down, wake you up etc

    If you suffer anxiety or n* attacks then put together a little panic kit with whatever you finds helps you like mints, anti-n* wristbands a little battery fan etc and anti-emetics if you use them. It's easier to find in a hurry if they are all in one place rather than rummaging about in your bag.

    You lucky lucky thing going to spend a year in Spain, i spent a fair bit of time there when i was younger and I loved it. Whereabouts in the country are you going? I'm jealous [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    United States


    Sorry about the inappropriate language! My bad.

    I am going to study at the University of Valencia, I'm super excited...or
    will be once I get on the plane and everything's ok! haha, but thank you
    for the advice!

    It's funny how drawn v* is to me, I don't ever drink because I'm too afraid
    that someone else is going to start v* and I won't be able to get away. So I
    usually just hang out at parties or bars until someone v*s then I'm gone.

    When I went skydiving, I wasn't afraid of jumping out of the plane or that
    the chute wouldn't pop out, I was worried that my tandem master was
    going to land me in the girl that went before me's v* on the ground near
    the X marked landing zone.

    I have at least twenty other ironic stories involving me, my fear of, and v*.
    haha, it sucks.

    My nightmares usually involve me being trapped somewhere with it all
    around me so I can't run or get out without it touching me in some
    way...hope I don't have one on the plane!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    United States


    I have never flown and I am pretty sure I never will. Any place or vehicle that actually has v*m*t bags is a cue for me to stay away! These bags are almost like an invitation to v*m*t! I don't even ride elevators because of that strange "nauseous" feeling when you are moving. I also avoid carnival rides like the plague....even the wimpy ones!!

    I am actually impressed with some of the other emets on here who have actually flown on a plane before. That to me sounds like a monumental achievement. I don't even sit in the back seat of cars if I can help it because I am afraid of being carsick.

    Take care,


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    United States


    Well I don't get motion sickness and I don't really have a problem doing it
    myself. Of course I would rather forego the whole experience but I would
    in fact rather subject myself than have to see/hear anyone else do it
    because I know I can make it to a bathroom or somewhere private. It
    really upsets me when people just do it wherever because I always know
    when I'm about to, so I figure they do too. It's just so inconsiderate for
    people not to go to the bathroom when they get that feeling. The only
    people that I think have an excuse for not making it to a bathroom or a
    proper receptacle, are kids under the age of 5... it's still gross, but

    I got some pills that are supposed to put me to sleep, my doctor told me
    to experiment with them to know how many I should take to go to sleep
    and be able to wake up when the flight is over...the pills don't
    work...guess I'm going back to perhaps ascertain a horse tranquilizer

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    United States


    I have never flew, I was scared of plains in my phobia stage because of people getting s**k, now I fear the idea of crashing. =P

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Vancouver, BC, Canada


    First off, miralexa85 that's NOT what we do here. Yes, many people abbreviate words - for many reasons - but it's their own choice. There is NO rule that you must do that and in fact we moderators encourage the opposite: writing the words out lessens the power they have over you.

    As for the OP...I've flown tons and long distances and never seen anyone sick on a plane. I think your odds of running into that are about the same as running into it anywhere there's 700 people gathered: a theatre, school, church, etc. You've had some bad luck in the past is all.

    That being said, it would freak me out too and that's why I don't fly alone, don't fly on planes that have more than 2 seats across (so I can have the window and my partner the aisle) and I take Ativan. Then it's a snap!
    For more info about emetophobia and treatment:

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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    cjj6281, you sound like me! I found your post by Googling about v* and
    planes and I had to register for this site. I was like, oh my GOD, that is
    ME. (Fortunately, haven't had all of your bad experiences!)

    A few weeks ago, I chickened out of a trip at the last minute because I
    spent the two days before my flight obsessing over those scenarios
    happening. To make matters worse, I began searching those keywords on
    Twitter to see who was reporting this actually happening. Needless to say,
    it only made matters worse.

    I did fly for the first time since I was nine earlier this year in March. No
    one v*ed on the plane, at least not to my knowledge, and yes, I was
    tranquilized to maximum capacity, haha. I don't remember being overly
    concerned about those scenarios that time around, so I don't know what
    brought this on. I keep thinking that I won't be able to get on a plane
    again unless I fly first class, or perhaps your new airline. [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    United States


    I agree with everything that Sage said. Espescially about traveling wth someone. I've flown like 25 times (or over) and it's only happened once, and it was a little kid. I did jump up and run, and told the flight attendant I was having a panick attack, why I was (it was embarassing but...), she told me I HAD to be seated (seat belt signs were on), and luckily there was an extra seat on the plane, and I sat there for the remainder of time.
    I always take Ativan when I fly. 2mg knocks me out and keeps me a LOT calmer about people getting sick, than me in my total sobriety.
    I also ALWAYS travel with an IPod in case I need to block out unncessary sounds.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I went on an airplane recently for 4 hours there and back with children all around me and not once did I have a bad experience. I was worried and politely hinted at someone when they were sitting by me because I chose the window seat and it was a great flight. I absolutely loved it with no issues or problems. I think you will be ok with a sedative it will calm you down and you wont be focusing on your anxieties and phobia. I hope you have a great flight and all is well. [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]
    Im selfish, impatient and a little insecure I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle But if you can\'t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don\'t deserve me at my best

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I did when I was 13 have a bad experience when I was extremely bad with my phobia with panic attacks and everything and a lady was having a medical problem on the way to calgary and was freaking out and V* and running around the plan and being really dramatic about being sick and I was probably more terrified that she was freaking out and running around. so I jumped up and got in trouble for listening to my music for too long(because I didn't want to hear her) and told the flight attendant about my fear and she apologized and told me i should have told her sooner and she would have moved me. I later ended up feeling sorry for this lady we had to make an emergency landing and she was brought away on a stretcher by awaiting ambulance attendants! I was young though it seems much better. this time my only fear was catching something from the stagnant air! [img]smileys/smilies_11.gif[/img] [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]
    Im selfish, impatient and a little insecure I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle But if you can\'t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don\'t deserve me at my best

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    United States


    I have motion sickness but plane rides don't bother me i haven;t been on a plane though because honestly i don't have the money to go anywhere but my mom has a fear of flying and takes valium and she says it really helps her. her fear is a phobia to so i guess that is where I got my phobia at least you can avoid flying you can't avoid sickness forver espeically if you have young kids....
    psalm 139
    we are fearfully and wonderfully made

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    United States


    Well I'm sorry Sage! I was trying to look out for others which was obviously a huge mistake!!!!!!!!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Austin, Texas


    You'll be fine, although I did fly this time last year on a plane that smelt like v*. I told myself I wasn't smelling what I thought I was. A lady across from me stopped the flight attendant and asked why does it smell like v*? The flight Attendant told her someone on the previous flight v* and must have not been cleaned up very well. I was pleased at myself for not having a panic attack over the smell. I kept my sons blanket over my nose for a miserable 4hrs and my feet and bags off the floor bc/ it smelt like it happend in my seat! I'll never fly that plane again. I have a problem with take offs and landings because you have to stay seated. I can't escape to the bathroom and the v* bags are not big enough if I have to get sick.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    United States


    Oh wow... I never knew that there are others like me out there!

    As for plane trips, I tend to freak out if I think someone near me might be ill. Usually, I sit by the window and my hubby sits next to the other person(it doesn't bother him).

    I've flown overseas about 10x and in the states 3x and I've never seen or heard it ever (*knocking on wood*) so I don't think it's quite as common of an experience as you might expect.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    United States


    This is way late to help the OP, but I'll put my own two
    cents in there for others who might need help.

    I always pop an anti anxiety pill before a flight (I use
    lorazapam) so that I don't start panicking to begin with.

    During the flight itself, I put on some music and huddle up
    to myself. I also try to avoid looking at anybody. The
    music drowns out any potential unpleasant noises I may

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    United States


    Hey everyone,

    I successfully made it to Spain, without any incidents luckily and I had to
    ride on five different planes!!! I did get my doctor to prescribe me
    lorazapam before I left and I will say that it helped me out. I basically
    slept the whole time which was great because the last time I flew, I
    couldn't catch a wink at all. Spain is beautiful and I'm glad I got over my
    worry to get here! Thanks for all of your input, it helped me to know how
    others dealt with the same problem.

    Thanks again,


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I'm so glad you posted again, Corey. Was wondering how it went. I'm glad to
    hear it was worth it - makes me realize how many amazing experiences and
    places we will all miss out on if we let this flying-related element of our fear
    get to us.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2009


    You poor thing. I understand exactly how you feel. My emet may or may not have developed or at least increased from my brother being s* on a plane.
    And I just had a nine hour flight, also moving countries.
    May I suggest anti-nausea drugs?
    They don't have the potential side-effects of sedatives (my mum recons sometimes they make you feel a bit gross when you wake up)
    Plus they tend to make you a bit drowsy and relaxed, all the while reducing the chance that you will be s*
    I made it on one xanax

    Good luck in Spain, and try to enjoy it

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by cjj6281

    So I'm about to go to Spain for a year, the problem is, I have to get on a
    plane, which is extremely difficult for me because of the throw up factor.
    The last plane trip I took, the girl across the aisle started doing the deed
    before the jets even started. I was a horrible wreck. I had a migraine from
    all of the stress, my back, neck, and stomach were in knots. The flight
    lasted nine miserable hours with this girl barfing the whole way. Before
    the jets started, while we were taking off, while we were flying, when
    there was turbulence, when there wasn't...THE WHOLE TIME. I am flying
    alone this time and I am so extremely afraid that someone that gets
    motion sickness will just happen to be placed beside me because thats
    how my life seems to work. THe universe hates me. I have more throw up
    stories than anyone I feel like, just because I hate it so much. So my
    question to whomever is; What is the politest way to not make a scene if
    this happens, because I'm afraid that I won't be able to control myself. If
    the person beside me starts puking, I will be up and out of that seat in a
    hot minute. Can I ask them when they sit down if they get sick? IF they
    say yes, what can I do? I don't want to be kicked off of the plane so I'd
    have to wait until we were in the air. Do the flight attendants let people
    sit in the back where their seats are if there's one open? I'm getting a
    sedative I guess from my doctor, but I'm worried about taking it because
    it's going to make me go to sleep and what if the person thats barfing
    beside me gets it on me or something. That would be wretchid waking up
    finding vom on you. Does anyone have any tricks or tips to help me out?

    Just a side note. If I ever get enough money, I'm going to buy an airline
    and you will have to go through a motion sickness test. If you get sick,
    you're not allowed on my planes, if that were to somehow be illegal, there
    would be a special section for the people that do get sick. It would be
    sealed off so that it didn't gross out/bother/freak out the paying
    customers that didn't get sick. I think it's so unfair that I may be subject
    to sitting beside someone that is going to do something that I fear more
    than death. Give me poop, pee, needles, rats, roaches, spiders, blood,
    leprosy, or anything else people are afraid of and I'm fine, but when it
    comes to vomit...I'm helpless. My fight or flight kicks in and I'm usually
    gone like the wind.

    Bottom line, my luck is so horrible when it comes to this, I just can't help
    but think that I'm going to get screwed.
    cjj6281, I know exactly how you feel. I think i had a similar instance happen to me when I was a child. That may have been the beginning of my V phobia! I'll never forget it, my parents and I were on a plane, I never saw anyone "V" however when we were getting off, I guess someone mustve "Ved" in the aisle and they put newspapers on top of it. I just remember stareing at it. I dont know why. It just bothered me soo much! I guess I mustve thought that it couldve been me! not sure. But most ppl who do get motion sickness do know how to make their way to the bathroom. So i really wouldnt worry about it. most people do not get sick. i think u just had a rare instance. it maybe good for u to get some antianxiety meds from ure doctor. The meds are not going to put you out totally to the point that you are not going to hear your surroundings. i think that u will be fine and nothing will happen.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    United States


    I'm glad you made it safely! I was going to say, I have been on many planes, over seas, and never have I seen anyone s* at all! I know it must have happened sometime in history, due to the "comfort bags" provided, but I think that (just my opinion here) advances in technology have made it a much more comfortable ride... I can imagine the first commercial plane rides must have been bumpy dangerous things... now watch out for the food though! while I dont think a bacteria or virus could survive on airline food long enough to make you s*, it might damage you emotionally! Last time I flew, they served me a cellophane, cold waffle, a sausage loaf, and sunflower mash, formed to a cracker and baked. the waffle was almost like a soft sweet, but so tough... [img]smileys/smilies_11.gif[/img]



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