I know this is a popular topic and has been posted many times by many people but I find it hard to keep up. When was the last tim you v-ed. Like the date or even how many years?
Unfortunately I can't participate in this topic--but I'll read.
I know this is a popular topic and has been posted many times by many people but I find it hard to keep up. When was the last tim you v-ed. Like the date or even how many years?
Unfortunately I can't participate in this topic--but I'll read.
<font size=\"2\"><font color=red>aol/aim screename: kraziqtashes<br>
I dont really remember, but i think maybe when i was about 10, about 12 years ago.
~*Jill*~ Teacher, Advanced BSc in Psychology
"You can unlock any door as long as you have the right key". Mrs. Brisby, Secret of Nimh
March 25, 1997 vomited 6 times.[img]smileys/smilies_40.gif[/img]
I dry heaved a few years ago but that really doesn't count.
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Theres a huge thread with this topic in questions and answers i believe.
.I just want to feel safe in my own skin. I just want to be happy again. I just want to feel deep in my own world. But I’m so lonely I don’t even want to be with myself. <3
Thought so....
<font size=\"2\"><font color=red>aol/aim screename: kraziqtashes<br>
No worries. we can start another...
Why can't you say how long it's been? That might be good practice for you. Maybe just start off by saying "It's been awhile, or it's been recent". Then you can move onto how many years/months/ect. Think about that?
.I just want to feel safe in my own skin. I just want to be happy again. I just want to feel deep in my own world. But I’m so lonely I don’t even want to be with myself. <3
Good idea, sometimes saying it does help....
Hmm I was last sick February hmm 10th I think it was, 2004, and yea I was sick like prolly 9-10 times.
Oh--I couldnt possibly. Honestly--I dont even remember the exact date.
<font size=\"2\"><font color=red>aol/aim screename: kraziqtashes<br>
i dont remmber the exact date either but i know i was 11 years old!
so thats what... 7 years ago? no, 6... i dont even know how old i am! Lol
Jen xxx
Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn\'t be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn\'t know that so it goes on flying anyway.
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Well I was last sick once on Christmas Day 2003 but it wasnt bad at all - i dont think it could even be counted becuz it was only the result of me getting so worked up and hysterical as I felt a bit queasy. Before that it was about 11 years.
Rachel xxx
<center><font size=\"2\"><font color=BLACK> If you\'re going through hell... keep on going... </font></font></center>
Ummmm...... Very recently [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]...... Before that it was the beginning of July, 20 years beforehand, I had quite the little streak going on. Sad how I kept count, I have heard of emets fighting off blarging for eons.
For me?
Grade 2.
But I v*ed enough times to last me years.
Haha you know how most kids v* from chicken pox? Guess who didnt! lol ME
Lol... I didnt either [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]
Rachel xxx
<center><font size=\"2\"><font color=BLACK> If you\'re going through hell... keep on going... </font></font></center>
for me it was october 1978 - i was 13.
<font size=\"4\"><font color=MAGENTA><font face=\"Times New Roman, Times, serif\">It can, and does, get better with time.</font></font></font>
oh, and i actually think most kids DON'T get sick from chicken pox. nobody i knew ever did, including me (as a 21 year-old) and my daughter (last august)
<font size=\"4\"><font color=MAGENTA><font face=\"Times New Roman, Times, serif\">It can, and does, get better with time.</font></font></font>
I was last sick 4 years ago. I had a bug and to be honest I felt that rough I was grateful I was sick in the end!!
I was last sick october 2003 it was only the once and it wasnt that bad but i felt awful for days after. And i was sick the year before that i cant seem to get a record going so i always think ill V* every year? Weird i kno ....
I couldn\'t tell you why she felt that way... she felt it everyday and i couldn\'t help her... i just watched her make the same mistakes again...
The last time I did was Feb 1993 - it was weird as I felt sick and went into my parents bedroom and said to my Dad "Dad I feel si.." and did it all over him I don't know if he had got angry at me - all I remember is sitting curled up in the bathroom afterwards shaking like a leaf, scared out of my wits.
God I wish any illness involving sick didn't exist - I can handle diarrhoea but not anything that comes out the other end whih is stupid as really, it's just stomach contents only one end it's not digested and the other end it is. (sorry to be gross) It just doesn't make sense why I'm sacred of one and not the other!
<font size=\"2\"><font color=BLUE>Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once.
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was last properly sick 2 years ago but that was from drinking so it was not too bad as i hardly remember it! before that was jan 6th 2000 food poisioning from a tuna sandwich, before that was jan 1st 1996 food poisioning again from turkey left over from xmas and before that summer 1992 from accidently swallowing sea water from the rotten brittish south coast! cant remember further back than that!i remember exact dates and details so i dont eat the same thing again! and also panic when the date comes round again!
have had bugs and dodgy stomachs since but manage to just dry heave and let it go straight threw me and come out the other end! (although i hate that too!) xxxx
nat xxxx
This is a very morbid topic... I was sick very recently.
Two months ago, in May...
My last experience was thursday 16th December 1993. I did it twice - on the way back from a school trip and again at home. I had a close shave in October 1995 when I woke up heaving but I managed to stop myself although I could not relax for about a week.
Today is the tomorrow I dreaded yesterday and I\'m ok.
Oh Lord, I really don't think this is a good topic to read when you are feeling lousy and OMG all the sick stories I've read, I thought us emets weren't suppose to v* because of our switch and one of you 6 times in one shot??? And alot of you recently, whats going on? I am more panicked now than ever because now I feel like its hopeless....I am bound to v* one of these days too and oh god I really reallly really don't want to.....The last time I v* was 4 years ago because my brother was trying to help me but instead accidentally poisoned me with homeopathic meds.....
December 25, 1987---closing in on 17 years.
Edited by: HDogg
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The last time for me was Friday around May 2000
I am terrified of it and I quit smoking weed and drinking
because of it.
i ust try and eliminate anything that tends to make me naseous
or sick .[img]uploads/images/hanarky/Z7Z_Pict0028.JPG[/img]
The last time I actually vomited was in the end of August of 2000. I vomited three times in that illness I had. I do not know whether it was food poisoning or gastroenteritis. Now, in 2003 I had a little regurgitation thing and I kind of did vomit, but I do not know if it was real vomiting or not, so I'd not consider it the last time. Peace.
Originally Posted by terified girl
however hard it is to logically understand in ur mind sumtimes, people dont get sick every say 6 yrs or so.. it depends a LOt on ur immune system, ur hygeine e.t.c just because a lot of emets are v*ing recently, does not make ur chance of v*ing any higher!
i know how u feel, cause i used to worry evryday, " oh god, i hvent v*ed in 6 years, i must be due to do it soon" but its not lke that.. remember our switch, and remember some emets go without v*ing for 50 years! and u can do it too!
just keep healthy, keep ur immune system up, and uwil lbe ok.
Jen xxxxxxx
Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn\'t be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn\'t know that so it goes on flying anyway.
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i was sick when i was nine, which was roughly 5 years ago. I had a really mature attitude towards it then,but ever since i have never eaten the same.
i was mature enough to deal with it, and not get upset, i simply tried to sleep it off and let my body recover. i even felt better afterwards, especially as the nausea leading upto the vomiting was not so severe as it has been recently.
i've had chicken pox before, but i was never sick with it. I have only been sick after stomach bugs. There was ONE ocasion when i was four lol, but id eaten too much and i didn't give a damn.
i have felt reallly sick after smoking too much weed. I practically rolled to the bathroom, convinced that " this was it." However, i still enjoy weed in moderation, especially where the munchies are concerned
i actually enjoy reading nasty things.. I do get the nasty feeling.. the only
time I cant read things like that is when I am actually sick
Okay well... the last time I v'ed from being sick,
probably a 24 hour bug was November 23, 1988 and I was 13. However I
v'ed twice from being drunk for the first time in Jan 1991 (I was 15)
and again when I was 19, new years 1994/95 and I v'ed A LOT, but I was
too drunk to care. However a few weeks ago, from having an empty and
hungry stomach while I was bending over and cleaning I regurgitated and
it was sooo bitter what I had regurgitated and spit it out in the sink
(a bt graphic here) it was bile!! So the rule is if you are desperately
hungry... EAT FOR GOD's SAKE!