Here I'd like to examine the correlation between when the last time you vomited, and the amount of effort taken before the event occured. Thanks everyone!
Edited by: johnyricer
I let it happen, didnt try to stop it
I drank too much/ i was poisoned-coudnt
kept swallowing/ telling myself NO!
tried to walk it off
sipped tea or sweetened fluid
took a herbal suppliment
took antiemetics-or other drug
did 2 of the above, but v* anyway
did more than 2 of the above, v* anyway
did everything in my power, but v* anyway
Here I'd like to examine the correlation between when the last time you vomited, and the amount of effort taken before the event occured. Thanks everyone!
Edited by: johnyricer
Hello there!!
I cannot honestly remember the last time I actually v*ed, but when I've drank too much (unfortunately I used to do it ALOT!) and felt n* I would either lie down on a cold tile floor or by an open window. It always seemed to work pretty well!
I don't really remember too well....I actually don't even remember trying to prevent it, I wasn't really emetophobic last time it happened. All I remember was I just all of a sudden started heaving, I ran to the toilet, and it happened. and then I felt much better..... I remember that, feeling relieved. I still don't ever want it to happen though *knocks wood*
I remember I was watching Spongebob and when I knew it was going to happen I tied up my hair and V*on my bathroom floor.
This poll is flawed. It doesn't give an opportunity to cite an OTHER, and it is only based on the time someone actually vomited. What if someone has learned what to do to overcome nausea? The question would be better if it focused on the last time a person was severely nauseated and how did it turn out?
To learn more about emetophobia, see
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there's no human I know who's learned to completely overcome nausea
I didn't have the understanding of how to stop it, I was 10 (20 years ago)! I do remember though that When I has doing it, I realised it wasn't that bad.
same w/ me, I was also 10. I didn't really know how to control nausea/v* until 5th grade, a year after
I was in 4th or 5th grade, and not an emet at the time, so I didn't try to stop it at all.. in fact, I may have forced myself to v*. I wanted to feel better, so I willed myself to v*... it took a long time actually. I probably wouldn't have v* if I didn't mentallytry so hard to make myself
Um last time it happend i made myself do it, i know this sounds silly, but i had to push my stomach in[img]smileys/smilies_11.gif[/img], it was at the start of my ed recovery, the first time it was just dry heeves, i had taken maxalon (anti-emetic) but only like 15 minutes before so they didn't work well enought in time, but i think just in time as i had no v*, then the next day i ate again, but didn't take any anti-emetics and i had the most awful stomach ache, so i had to make myself v* as i knew i would feel better, and to be honest when i did v* my stomach started to calm down.
Ruth x
indeed it is! :]
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Originally Posted by confusedgirl
haha I actually used to do that. with my anxiety attacks
a couple years ago i had food poisioning so .. i tried to keep swallowing to keep it down and forcing it down and then i tried to walk it off but i ended up v* anyways.. then i tried to sip on ginger ale after the first couple times but v* still again.. so yah not a fun time.
\"Dance like no one is watching, Love like you will never be hurt, Sing like no one is listening, Live like heaven on earth!\" Mark Twain
eww food poisoning? that totally sux...where did you go to eat (so I know to avoid the place hehe... since I also live in Seattle area) ?
I didn't try and stop it at all... I was only 10 and it came on suddenly. I actually thought I was going to have diarrhea so I went to the bathroom andnothing happened so I went back to my friend's room (I was supposed to stay at her house that night).Then I got that weird feeling, (you know the one where you know it's actually going to happen for real, and it'snot just youranxiety lol)and I walked into the hallway and told her mum I was going to be sick. Thenmy friend, her mum, and her older sister stayed with me in the bathroom until it happened. And that was it. They were really supportive actually, and it wasn't even that bad, f*** knows why it scares me so much[img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]It was so cute, my friend put me to bed, and read me the book 'James and the Giant Peach' and took care of me until my mum picked me up.
I could tell you stories of the millions of times when I've done everything I could to prevent it and it DIDN'T happen though! I'm sure everyone on here has heaps!