Hi guys. I'm yet another emet that wasn't sure if Iwas paranoid, then found out about the phobia. My parents aren't the most supportive being step-parents, they said "stop being such a coward, you're a growing man" when I was sick and only 14. Girls can get a away with it. Anyway here's what happened. Be warned, it's a long story (and I mean it!)


I remember eating infected warm chicken nuggets from Mcdonalds one evening, unaware of the salmonella-bacteria it may have been harbouring after being reheated 4 times. I'm disappointed my 25 year old friend failed to notice it too, yet his immune system stronger than mine, he failed to suffer.

I went to bed at 1am, waking up just 6 hours later at 7am, feeling like CRAP! I sat up, had this "damn" feeling and headed off to the can. After realizing I had the most horriffic waterfall diarrhoea I've ever had (actually, see the end of this thread) I burped and recognized a familier, horrible sulphur taste (Hasn't anyone else ever gotten that horrible taste when burping+ sick?). After 10 minutes, I was lying down on the couch feeling like crap, not so much hindered by the fact I had to vomit. I sneezed chunks into a bowl and panic swept through me like someone tipping a bucket of water on me. I went ballistic, running outside and collapsing on the grass while my friends mother bought some tissues out for me to wipe my mouth with. I v****d a couple more times before my mother came to get me.

Somehow, I made the 4 minute drive home without vomiting, then hopped out of the car and stumbled up the hallway of my massive house, heading for my bedroom rather than bathroom. I lay down on my bed, feeling horrible. After a minute, I had the runs again, it lasted all day, every 5 minutes, I would have to "waterfall". Another 10 minutes later I found a large white plastic bucket and sat in my room, half-sobbing/crying and somewhat shaky, retching and spewing endlessly.

I remember my parents telling me to keep the noise down (vomiting) they said if they heard the vomit hitting the bucket again, they would put me outside. Right that moment, I hurled once again, which set my stepdads temper off. He went ballistic and screamed at me to get outside.

I sat outside with a bucket, still sobbing, feeling cowardly till the girl over the fence (Amy) looked over curiously. (How odd, she turned out to be an emet too, and is now my girlfriend). She was shocked and asked if I was ok, jumping over. We had known each other for a while as friends over the fence. She put a hand on my shoulder and said I had to "be strong". I remember going on about how wussy I must've seemed. The day slowly passed. By 5pm that night, the puking had stopped (the cramps and diarrhea hadn't, salmonella lasts a week and ahalf).

Amy stayed with me for that night, she was actually going off at my parents about making me sit in the yard and stuff, they just shrugged and pissed off to the club. I spent the night breathing deeply and enduring cramps. For the week, Amy would duck over after school to check on me as if magnetically attracted. I remember shaking and praying to God, pleading for me not to have to puke. I didn't have to, which was good. I soon recovered without antibiotics. What doesn't kill you can only make you stronger right?

Yes it did, since then, I've eaten carnival food and cafeteria food without getting sick (well, getting a sickness that causes hurling, but I've still become ill) and seriously don't care about getting flu or anything, as long as there's no hurling.

3 months later, I stopped in to see Amy and was greeted by her parents, saying she was sick. They knew she had tried to look after me so now it was my turn, I told them I had to see her and check up on her, to which they agreed, being nice people. I walked into her room, seeing her cuddling a Sonic plush doll to her chest, shaking violently, her pajama pants wetand crying, next to a bucket. The image has been burned into my mind