Recently I have been in several situations where there was alcohol present, and I'm kinda wanting to start drinkingoccasionally. I'm really scared to though, 1) because I don't know much about drinking and 2) because when I have drank recently it has given me bad d* and nausea so that's scary.

Here's a little history of my drinking: before I had my son at 19, I could drink a lot. I could drink liquor in large amounts and NEVER have a hangover, pass out, v*, nothing. Never really drank beer, I think it tastes bad.

After I had my son, I didn't drink for a couple years. It was actually last October when I drank again, and I had a shot of a "mudslide" or something and some of a fuzzy navel. I was fine. Drank again in December, had 2 beers and had AWFUL d* and nausea for the next 24 hours. Drank again last month, a couple sips of a margarita wine cooler that didn't taste good, and had the d* and nausea just as bad as the night I drank the beer.

So here's some questions:

Can certain brands of beer/certain liquors make you have d* and nausea more than others? Just depending on what your body likes?

What is a good drink for me to order if I go to a bar? Something that maybe won't upset my belly too much, maybe won't have a lot of alcohol or combination of alcohols? Remember, I don't drink a lot and am pretty small, barely 100 pounds. It wouldn't take much.

Is there anything to do to prevent a hangover/d*/nausea when drinking?

Is there any general info I should know about drinking? I am retarded when it comes to alcohol.

I'm not looking to become an alcoholic here, just want to be able to drink socially and not look like an idiot or be sick/panicked about getting sick. Thanks everybody!