This is how it goes for me. If it's not one thing, it's another to worry about. I rarely go a day without worrying about something or another.

Last week it was my sore leg, but I got that checked out, so I thought I was doing alright. I am getting ready this morning for an interview and what do I notice?

A BALD SPOT on my head. like seriously.

It's right in the middle of my hairline, I part my hair sideways, so you can see it, but I was playing around with different hairstyles, and happened to notice it. It's smaller than a dime, but still there. What do you think this is?

I'm going to get my hair cut saturday, hopefully my hairdresser can tell me.

Now I'm worried AGAIN. It will never end. And I have to go on this job interview in an hour, so of course I'll be worrying about it.

WHY WHY WHY can't I just go a day without worrying, or something happening. It's getting really frustrating.