[img]smileys/smilies_10.gif[/img] Hi guys,

I was thinking about a few things over the weekend, wondering if any of you have the same thoughts and do some similar things that I do. As bad as it seems, when I go shopping, grocery shopping, anywhere, I am always looking at the parking lot ground, to see what may have been splattered there at one time, hoping it is never PUKE ! When someone is pulled over on the side of the road, for whatever reason, I always assume it's because someone is going to be sick. not because they may have a flat, or be looking at scenery. It's seems so ridiculous, however, it's so REAL for me ! My eyes are always WIDE open ! I use my sleeve or pinky finger to open doors, I use my knuckle to press an elevator button, I am a FREAK about my little ones being at the park. Hand sanitizing their hands immediately after leaving the park. I will use an antibacterial wipe to wipe down a shoppping cart before putting my kids in one, or touching the handle, for fear of catching the stomach flu [img]smileys/smilies_11.gif[/img]. Is this extreme? Am I just a total nut or what ? It scares me, and I want so badly for this to just go away ! I was just wondering if you all do any of these things too ? Thanks for listening to me prattle ! You all are so great !
