Okay.. I know this is retarded, but I am having hard times lately and don't quite know what to do about this one...

I think a virus might be going around my daughter's class. The only reason I think this is because she was sick last friday and the girl who sits next to her was out wednesday and she said that she was out because she threw up. Okay.. So, my daughter was invited to a party tomorrow at one of her classmates house. About 15 other kids are going to be there. Because of anxiety I don't at all want her to go. But on the other hand I don't want her to miss out and the logic part of my mind wants her to definitely go.

You all know how our brains work... I am worried because I think that last weekend Jade was sick because of food over indulgence or eating bad chicken. So then I over analyze why this other girl was sick a few days later. So then I ask myself "what if something is going around and Jade gets it?" Then I imagine kids sharing germs at this party. Okay.. Logically I know that kids and everyone else share germs all day every day everywhere they (we) go and there is nothing we can do to avoid that and we may as well live our lives. BUT, the emet thinking is overtaking me after our experience last weekend and I am slipping into a stupor. I am worried that if I let her go I will be asking a thousand questions and make myself worried sick. But, I am also worried about letting my problems take away from her experiences. I also worry that if I don't let her go I will beat myself up forever over it. I have no idea why I am making such a big deal out of this. I haven't been in therapy for 2 months and we had our incident last weekend and since then I cannot make my brain make a whole lot of sense. It's just like I am totally losing it.

So, do I just make myself send her to the party and deal with my internal and illogical feelings about that in silence? I am guessing that's the right thing to do. I am so not used to being like this. What is going on with me????