I've been coming face to face with it a few times over the past few months but the other day just took the biscuit.

I was home from Uni just for the weekend and I went with my mum into town to go shopping. I was driving and in the car park I was waiting behind this car which had suddenly stopped and I wanted to go on looking for spaces. A minute passed and this woman got out the back of the car and pulled a carrier bag out behind her. At first I thought it was a bag of shopping and something had burst as there was this lumpy liquid coming out the bag. Then this other woman came up to her and as my window was down I heard the first woman tell her that her child had been sick and then it clicked - it was in the carrier bag. The sunlight was shining through it and the bag was full of v* and there was a hole in the bottom and it was pouring out onto the tarmac. The woman helped this white faced girl out the car and then dumped the bag in the corner of the car park!

I quickly wound my window up in case I smelt anything (that would have made me flip) and when the car drove off I had to quickly drive on, avoiding the v* on the tarmac. Then I started shaking and felt really sick but thankfully it went. Later on that day I went back to my car and saw the carrier bag in the corner at the top of the car park - ugh!!!