Hi everyone, I'm new to this site and have had emetophobia all my life and OCD.

I'm in a bad way at the moment. I've felt sick since oct 10th and the doctor had told me it is gastritis. i had to go on my holiday with it and was so scared id beill.

Bascially, its stopping me doing anything, even being intimate with my boyfriend. I'm scarred to eat anything, scarred to do to much and most of all scared to go into public in case im ill. Ok so its mainly a nausea thing and the doctor said she can pretty much garantee that i wont be sick, but theres still one part of me that thinks she might be wrong. I've also been told that this can last up to eight weeks, I've had it for four weeks so far so things dont look good.

Has anyone else had this before? It would help to have someone elses experiences of this