My psychiatrist, who was wonderful the first few times I saw her, is really starting to tick me off. Every time I go there, all she wants to talk about is how thin I am and how I might have an eating disorder. I gave her Sage's info, and told her that I have always been thin, ever since I was a kid. Granted, right now I weigh a little less than I usually do, b/c I'm trying to put the weight I lost during my bad time in September back on, but that's going to take time. I can't just eat 15 pounds of food in one day to put the weight back on.

Secondly, my other therapist and I are working on exposure therapy, and my psychiatrist thinks I shouldn't be doing this. She said I should just not think about v'ing at all, and any thinking about v* will just make things worse. I have explained to her three times now that just burying my phobia under medication and avoidance hasn't helped in the last 16 years, and it's not going to help now. Sure, things are better now that I'm on meds, but the meds will lose their efficacy after a couple of years, and then that Band-Aid will be ripped off, and where will I be? Back to square one, terrified. Exposure therapy was the way Sage and other emets have been cured, and I am going to go through with the exposure therapy no matter what, but my psychiatrist just keeps saying it's a bad idea. Like ignoring the problem and hoping it'll go away, and then having a nervous breakdown once I actually do v* is a better solution.

Lastly, during the last few visits, I've been getting the impression that she thinks my phobia is, well...stupid, I guess, for lack of a better. She always gets this smirking expression whenever we talk about why in the world anyone would be afraid of v'ing. (Now I'm analyzing her facial expressions....maybe I'm getting a little paranoid). I've done everything I can do make her understand, and things were fine in the beginning, and I can't change to another psychiatrist. In addition, although we're obviously not getting along, I do approve of the way she's handling my medication.

I still see my regular therapist (who I'm doing the exposure therapy with) and she's great, no problems there. Does anyone have any advice with my psychiatrist issue?