what a day today was.

first thing this morning, a teacher says to me "you saw me here, but im
not staying ive been v* and my stomache is in knots." so i think "this
is gonna be a great day"

so two kids have fevers with stomach ahces, and one goes home v*. he
looks GREEN. i am SO SCARED that i am going to catch something.

on top of that, four kids tried to jump another kid, so there was
basically a mini riot, i have neevr seen anything like it. then i had
to help in a restraint, and i bruised my hand, which is no big deal.
but then i had to drive a coworker to the doctor because he got punched
like 4 times in the fight. so then i was sitting in the waiting room
like "i wonder if any of these people are v*, and thats why theyre here"

so im completely freaking out, and i want to just quit. what are the chances of me getting a sv* from one of these kids???????