I hope I spelled that one right. I'm currently starting step 2 in exposure therapy, writing the word vomit. Last night, my b/f and I rented a movie, and there was a vomiting scene in it. It didn't show anything, but there were some very nasty sounds. Of course, I got panicky. I'm wondering if seeing something like this, and seeing the pile of vomit in Las Vegas, can retraumatize me. I'm also wondering what I'm supposed to do regarding things like this. I know some of the stuff simply can't be avoided (I can't control whether someone vomited where I'm going to be walking), but should I be avoiding things that are higher on my hierarchy until I'm ready for them? Like should I be screening every movie before I watch it, etc? Or is that avoidance just strengthening the phobia (like it's not already strong enough to begin with). Obviously I'm not going to run into the detox unit of a drug treatment center on purpose, I'm just wondering about the things that just come up in daily life (movies, etc).


Edited by: kel12347