I ate lunch todayout. Problem was, I noticed the southerny coating on the chicken was slightly pale. I ate it, and it tasted fine, but now, like 7 hours later, I feel really not hungry at all. As if I've eaten a massive meal. Which I haven't :S

I mean I ate chips with it, so it might have been a fair amount, but I often eat there, and order it (I don't wanna say the name of the place in case I freak you guys out lol) and it isn't liek a massive meal.

Anyway, I am worried, cos I'm usually always hungry. I've never skipped dinner in my life but today I came so close to it, because I totally am not hungry. I just decided to go for soup instead. Also, I stupidly typed in the name of the chain, plus food poisoning in on the net, and of course I get hundreds of sites detailing undercooked meat from there, people getting sick etc.

Granted, it's a huuuge chain, but I am more worried than you'd believe. OH god, I really don't wanna be sick.