That I really did not want to hear about.

Apparently, in a town about 60-70 miles away form us, there is a "bad stomach illness running rampant through the schools in" ........... and it listed the counties. They radio said it was a bacterial infection called ginella, chinella, something like that. Anyway, it freaked me out!!!!

THEN, as if that wasnt enough, just as we were pulling up to the school to drop of the children, my youngest daughter says .............. "My throat hurts." So, of course my anxiety level shot up. Well, she had been drinking her juice and then she burped and then she said her throat felt better. So after she said that, my anxiety went back down. THEN, not two mins later, she says."I think I need to throw up." (something to that effect, cant remember the exact words) She said, "I think I need to do it out there in the grass." I was freaking out!!!! Turns out she was fine, I dont know if she burped and that made her feel like that or what, or even if she really felt like v'ing. Who knows?!?!!?

Anyway, I am so glad to have this site to come to and be able to tell someone about this that understands.