So here I am again, watching When Harry Met Sally, can't sleep. I felt a little queasy and started thinking about everything I ate today (I overate, I know). I was feeling a little better and was trying to relax, reading some posts here, and I heard my 3 yr old cough and sneeze. So of course that horrible terrified feeling ripped through my chest and I went to check on him. He said he needed a drink so I gave him some water and told him to go back to sleep. Felt his forehead, too, and no fever. 10 minutes later he's still awake so dysfunctional mommy here lets him get up and play withhis brother's game boy to monitor him that he's ok. He says that he was sweaty under his blankets and got thirsty and now he can't sleep. He seems ok, is playing the game boy and smiling at me, but I can't shake this anxious feeling. My palms are sweaty, my heart is pounding, I feel queasy again and that terror feeling, although dulled somewhat, is still present. Plus my husband is snoring down the hall to beat the band and every little sound makes me jump.

Thank goodness for this board--it's the only thing keeping me still andtrying to relax. I used to get up and pace or sit on the edge of my seat biting my lip.