Helly everyone, i dont know if you will remember me or not, i used to visit this forum alot under the username hd18. Iv not been around for a while because i wanted to try and get emet off my mind, i feel really bad about doing this, i should have stuck around to support others

Anyway i thought i would let you know how i was doing. Iv just started university and am living in halls, i never thought id be able to do this a year ago! LOl and guess what im studying....biomedical science, i want to be a dr! Ever heard of an emet doctor before :P Iv only been at uni for 4 weeks and am settling in ok, have made a few freinds on my course and i love the course material. I live in aflat in university halls with 10 other people, we share a kitchen but we have ensuite rooms (thank god!)My ocd has been under control so far Im quite lucky that my university is close to home. Im at the university of hertfordshire which is only a 30 min drive from home so if i do go a bit crazy, im not on my own.

Iv been on alot of medication this year including: amitriptyline, seroxat, diazapam,venlafaxine, citalopram, dothiepin etc etc and i have managed to wean myself off the high dose dothiepin within a month which im quite proud of. Im now on no meds at all! Iv been a bit nervy and on edge but im doing ok

sorry for my long post, just thought id update you on how im doing and maybe to cheer up some of you going through tough times, things arnt perfect for me, but im so much better than i was, and if i can improve, anyone can!

I hope you are all well xx