My husband and I took his little brother and some friends of ours and their kids to this restaurant tonight. It is fun for kids, but the food has always been known to be pretty bad (mexican). My husband and I both had the nachos, although he ate a lot more than I did.

About a half an hour to an hour after we ate (while we were still there playing the games and stuff) he said his stomach wasn't feeling well. That was about an hour ago. We are home now and he said he feels like he might v*. He has s sensitive stomach. He had h. pylori a couple of years ago, has a hyetal hyernia (sp) so stuff sits funny with him a lot. But I am worried this time because we atet eh same thing.

Would food poisoning hit that fast or is it just his body not liking hte food? By the time we got home, my anxiety had gotten the best of me and I have been in the bathroom 4 or 5 times in the past half hour or so (I think just an IBS attack). I don't really feel the "heavy" feeling he said he does. If it was something wrong with the food, would it have hit me by now? Is it possible that since I ate less (especially less of the toppings) that I may not get it? I am really panicking now . . .