Hi everyone! I'm currently taking Prozac and Klonopin for my emet/anxiety, and I'm also in therapy. I started the meds about a month ago, when my anxiety was intolerably high for three weeks straight. Now that I'm stabilized, I feel like I'm "weak" for needing to take the medication. My therapist and I have talking about this, and I know that it's just another one of my perfectionistic things, but I still feel like "if I were strong or good enough, I could beat this on my own, and I wouldn't need medication."

My therapist likened it to having to take insulin for diabetes, but this metaphor went nowhere with me, because in my mind, that is a medical illness, and emet is a mental disorder. Anyone have any advice to help me get past these feelings, or to help me feel like I'm not a failure b/c I need meds to help me with this?

ETA: Part of the problem is that I feel like the meds are a cop-out, or an easy fix, and I know curing emet isn't like that. Don't get me wrong, the fear is defiinitely still there, but the meds have heped with the anxiety 1000%.

I'll be talking to my therapist again next week, too.Edited by: kel12347