If there's anyone who's also trying the exposure link in the treatment secion and wants to discuss some issues with me, I'd be grateful.

So I've decided to take my CBT to a new level, which is that I'm going to do some exposure therapy alone. So I am now on Category 3, the small picture. Just knowing what it is I have to look at makes me not want to look at it. The picture is really small but you can see the brown stuff and the chick looks gross herself, she looks so hungover, it's disgusting alone.

So what I want to know is, if I can't handle moving on to the next bigger picture, how will I ever over come this? Because I remember someone saying to look at the picture till you've become completely bored with it and can move on, what if I can't? Did you guys experience what I am feeling right now? This sense of never going to make it through this? That you think you are a failure and will never be able to go on with the category's? Am I just moving too fast in my head thinking that once I've looked at the picture for 5 minutes and start looking at it sort of blankly that I am ready for the next one, but then when I am about to click it, I can't do it???

I am so messed up with all this crap. Maybe getting other responses would help because I can learn from your experiences and knowing-Yes I am the only feeling this way or-No I am not alone and to just relax because this takes sometimes some extreme time to move forward.

Any words would be so helpful right now!
