Hi my name is Ashley and I've been married for 3 years.

My husband first learned about my fear when we were in the backseat of a friend's car and he got s*. I was in the middle between3 people (he was on my right and two girlswere on my left) and I jumped over the two girls on my left and tried to claw my way out of the window. When the car finally stopped, I ran out of the car and was almost a block away when the two girls caught up with me to make sure I was OK. My poor husband thought I was going to break up with him because he v*.

Despite my fear (I can laugh at myself after a freak-out happens, but "in the moment" it is overwhelming) he married me anyway and hasn't v* since. He is very open about telling me how he is feeling. He even goes to sleep on the couch if my tummy hurts. He doesn't make me feel stupid, and he helps me laugh at myself and how silly I am sometimes. I think it is healthy to see the humor in all situations. At least that's one way I'm coping with my fears.

We are not planning on having children. I really appreciate his acceptance and "coolness" of my fear. He has fears as well and I support him in those. I think it is important to be honest in your relationship so that in awkward moments there is understanding.

Funny Moment: When I found out my x-boyfriend had projectile v*, I broke up with him. He was a jerk anyway, but that was the final straw. [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]