SO i just found out my 25 year fear has a NAME! Wow, i am amazed, as you all must have been when you discovered this. i do CRAZY things to avoid throwing up and it runs every single thing i do in my life. my family gets ANGRY at me when i avoid them like the plague. Ill sleep at friends' houes when someone i live with gets suck....for WEEKS until i am SURE that the germs are gone. Does anyone else do this?

Now that i have discovered this website and i see i am not the only one (i am still in disbelief), are there support groups where i can MEET people and commiserate over this fear? My whole i life (im 25) i have had this fear and i have nevera ctually met someone who is as BAD as i am about this stuff. I always meet people who say, "oh, me too, i hate V*" and then we start comparing stories and i always win.