This all started at about 10:00. I was making a pot of buttered macoroni and felt off. I was very bloated and didn't really feel hungry but I knew I wanted to eat. Then the bloated feeling escalated into a mild nausea. I still ate though. I had about 1 cup of macaroni and then had 2 hoho's. I finished at 10:15. For the past hour and a half now I've been bloated and keep feeling like I have to take a crap. I went number two around 11:00 and it was just little cashew sized pieces that were hard to get out. Now I have crap cramps and feel like I'm going to have loose stool. I'm petrified I'm sick. I have a low grade nausea again. Temperature is 98.6. My period is due in 4 days.

Am I sick?