SO last night i went out, and as i get to the bar, my best friends brother (who is like my brother) asks me to drive him somewhere. im like yea sure. right after that he tells me he has "food poisoning" and has been v* and d* all day. even at the bar. so im like great, i cant tell him i wont drive him now. so he got in my car, touched my radio, the thing to open my window, door handle, all that stuff. plus he gave me a kiss on the cheek and was like talking in my ear real close to me. now im freaked that he might have a sv*. what if he does? i didnt touch anything he touched, but im still so freaked out cuz he contaminated my car!!!! he said he ate chinese food with him girlfriend and then when he got home the d* started and then the v*. is it food poisoning? or could it be a sv*?

also, my back has been KILLING me for like 4 or 5 days now. like to the point of where i feel like crap. So has my jaw. now im worried that there is somethign really wrong with me. my mom says that my jaw is probably from grinding my tetth at night while im sleeping, but its never hurt like that before. my jaw has been bothering me for like 2 weeks. my back is like really really sore. i dont know what i did. i didnt do much out of the ordinary.i mean, i went to nyc the other day, and thats where it started hurting. in this real estate agent's car. why would myback hurt so bad? and my jaw? i hope theres not somethign seriously wrong with me
