Hey guys, just needing someone to talk to right now! trying to get stuff off my chest

Just when I thought I was going along quite smoothly where emet was concerned, it comes creeping back! This time of year always brings out the anxiety in me. Its nearing Spring here, so I'm feeling all dizzy and light-headed with the pollen and flowers, and sudden warm weather...a normal person would really like it, probably, but there's something about this sort of weather that makes me feel...on edge. Also, I've had a busy week, alot of travelling around, late nights, early mornings, not such a great diet...and added to my Spring allergies...i'm not feeling 100%!

So, on a lonely Saturday afternoon like this, where I've got nothing else to occupy my mind...I start to worry. All these stupid, stupid thoughts are starting to drift into my head, like how long its been since I last v*d, what if I were to do it again, in one month, one week, one day, one hour's time...do you guys ever start thinking of the "what if's", when you're bored? I always seem to, and I really hate it. When its just me and my mind, alone, I can work myself into atrembling bundle of nerves, and actually make myself n*.

Sorry for the sillyness of this topic, but I was just wondering if anyone else gets like this - anxiety about v*ing through boredom. I just need something to take my mind off it, keep myself busy!