Everyone is puking and I am scared to leave my room. I have a giant tub of hand sanitizer, a stockpile of anti-nausea meds, and water and stuff. But I am scared to leave my room.
This mostly becomes a problem when I have to use the bathroom. I am scared to touch the toilets. I am scared to touch anything. I am scared to breathe. Sometimes I think I should just pee in bottles, but then I'm like I'll have all these bottles of pee in here and that is also gross.
Can't really afford to buy a hazmat suit. What are some things I can do to console myself? I am super phobic of puking. I have panic attacks when I puke, which obviously makes the whole experience a thousand times worse.
I am scared to eat the food in the fridge. I am scared to use the cups. This is fine, because I have my own disposable cups and a box of cereal that I can sit here and eat dry while I watch movies. But at some point I will have to leave. And I am scared to death of this.
All my doctors are aware of this phobia and stuff. But I need something I can do, right now today, that will make me feel better. SOS