I'm upset with myself. I had stomach cramps yesterday, made it through work, had no appetite. I tried to pepto bismol to see if that would help the cramping. I was nervous on the drive home about becoming s*. My sister texted me she was feeling the same. That confirmed in my head we both have a bug (my niece/her daughter had a v* bug last week).
Relieved to have made it home okay, I had a bath which helps me relax and feel better. My sister texted me that she did end up v*. That's when I decided to take a Gravol and a zofran even tho I didn't particularly feel n*, just cramping (but this is also how my last v* bug began - just lots of uncomfortable cramping and then g*ing).
I think I definitley do have some bug because I've been tired, waking up every 20-30 mins through the night, muscle aches, sweating, and recently starting diarrhea.
What I feel upset about is I probably should have v* had I not taken all precautions to avoid it. I could have done it and seen its not so bad and taken a step towards recovery. Now I'm stuck continuing to be scared of it and the unknown factors of it.
I know that's strange that I'm upset I stopped a possible v*. I avoided v* with another similar bug in November by using pepto, Gravol and zofran. I feel like I can't/shouldn't outrun it forever (even tho a lot of discussion here says it's not necessary to v* and it's okay to suppress it).

Anyway. There's my rant. I feel ashamed and cowardly. No one enjoys being s* but man I wish I didn't have emet