So, some of you may remember I posted earlier this week about my boyfriend getting really sick with v* and d* this past saturday. Well I didn't end up catching it from him this weekend but I saw him on Monday (the day after he stopped having d*) but I was really careful about washing my hands and I didnt kiss him. We also were not at his house so there were no germs there. However, I saw him again yesterday (72 hours after his symptoms stopped) and we kissed and cuddled, but I still was careful about washing my hands. Anyway, I have been feeling gassy and bloated all day and about an hour ago it built up until I had a large amount of really soft stool. I am now fully panicking and think I may have it. I already took a Zofran but still feel kind of n*. Do you think its possible I caught it? He is convinced I am not sick because he thinks he had food poisoning, since no one else he was around got sick. Any advice? I am really freaking out here. Thank you!