Hey all!

Well, just had the surgery done to remove the fibroadenoma in my
one breast. It went fine, and I wasn't nauseaus at all afterwards. I
did tell them that I was afraid of throwing up, and they can put great
things into the IV to make you not feel sick. Man its something how
fast that stuff kicks in its great! I'm glad its done. This time when I
actually got there I was more nervous than with the wisdom teeth,
because this was a hospital, not just a dentist office. I hadn't had to
have the whole gown thing before (and the one strap that tied and
fastened in front of my behind was broke!) or anything like just the
whole hospital atmosphere. It was ok tho. The worst part was the lady
who did the IV, sheesh, shes like "I'm going to put this numbing stuff
on so it wont hurt", then its like yeeouch! She injected me with this
stuff, then she went to do the IV and I was like "ok so this isn't
going to hurt right?" and shes like "sure hope not!" and I'm like
"what!?" and then she just did it, and well I'm thinkin that its gonna
hurt like a you know what, but well thank God that stuff worked
so that was good! Anyway yea Im just glad its thro! [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]
